Example sentences of "be [verb] to [pers pn] about " in BNC.

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1 I am writing to you about the case of Im Su-Kyong , who was arrested for ten years for attending a peace march from North Korea to South Korea .
2 I am writing to you about your father .
3 Erika felt goose-pimples on her arms and the thought crossed her mind that , despite all that had been said to her about courage , perhaps she was n't really cut out for stardom , after all .
4 Also , as the first signatory of the motion , may I say that since it was tabled statements have been made to me about the involvement of Stella Rimington and Mr. Roger Windsor of the National Union of Mineworkers .
5 I think that a good job has been done by the ITC , but I am prepared to consider any representations that are made to me about the future determination of licences .
6 Who 's been gossiping to you about her running away with the married man when she was fifteen and ending up in the Daily Record ?
7 We were walk walking to erm the , down the high street and a plane went over , and erm , I think mum must have been saying to her about Aunty Jill being on holiday , and she went , ah , there 's Aunty Jill in the plane going to the city .
8 I just have to wait for his letter , but I think the sensible thing to do would be to talk to you about what he 's putting you on because a lot of these drugs are not without potential side effects .
9 Q I 'm writing to you about one of the programs on your November Mega Disk .
10 And Robert Urquhart had been shown to be lying to her about more than his affections .
11 In a moment we 'll be speaking to him about his son 's plight , but first we go over to Switzerland where our reporter , John Marshall , has been following the story .
12 Lawrie McMenemy was in Rome and I shall be talking to him about it . ’
13 ‘ He has n't done anyone any favours and I 'll be talking to him about it .
14 I 'm , I 'm talking to him about the planned s filing system as well , which is
15 I remember once I took you by the shoulders and said , ‘ Listen , love , I 'm talking to you about your mother . ’
16 I 've never covered things like comparative questions , when I talk to you about close and , you know basically what I 'm talking to you about
17 Here I am talking to you about myself — a thing I assure you I very very rarely do — while you are shrinking from making the slightest personal communication to me .
18 It started to get out of proportion in that he , Ray has been talking to him about the impact of the summer season in Scarborough in terms of how long it takes his staff to get from A to B.
19 People have been talking to him about sickness and that if an office has erm people that are off sick a lot more than another office they 're at a disadvantage .
20 After I 'd been talking to him about leaving .
21 What k what kind what 's changed in the short time are the things Wh when I 've been talking to them about the publicity you said that , The last few years there 's there has been
22 Richard Lewis , oh yes Sir , er , yes Sir , I 've just seen the figures , I 've been talking to them about it , oh yes , I 've told them exactly what 's wrong , but they do n't seem able to well yes Sir , I know it 's not good enough , but what can you do if you 've got idiots working for yo , what 's that , oh no Sir , I 'm not asking you , what , hello .
23 ‘ She 's been talking to you about me then ? ’
24 ‘ I can see that your uncle has been talking to you about us , ’ Sophie said drily , ‘ but you do n't understand .
25 We also reviewed such evidence as has been submitted to us about the possible relation between the number of executions in particular years and the incidence of murder in succeeding years .
26 So anyway , he erm had his say quite a long story and er the Chairman turned round all of a sudden and he s he could n't say the Chairman er said call him cos that 's what we call him and he said er he said erm would you like to come back to the rostrum again and he said erm you were explaining to me about an accident you had in the quarry in quarry , erm some years back and he said , I 'd like you to explain to these people .
27 Complaints were made to us about certain members of our staff ( who , incidentally , no longer work for us ) going into unoccupied floors to make love .
28 I found myself constantly making a connection between what new families were saying to me about what they found most helpful from a social worker and what I as a social worker find most helpful from a team leader .
29 I knew that you were talking to him about something
30 No I do n't know what it was but Catherine was t telling me the other day about how erm oh I told you something about that and you t and you t were talking to her about it .
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