Example sentences of "be [verb] in both the " in BNC.

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1 The struggles involving civil society are not contained within it , but are implicated in both the sphere of production and the state .
2 Pyramids are found in both the Middle East and the Americas , perhaps because men reflected that mountains were closer to the heavens , where the gods were said to live , so they built the pyramids as their own mountains .
3 Meanwhile the curia maintained the general register for all the other business of the pontificate and hands of the same scribes are found in both the main register and the RNI .
4 He has been entered in both the Gerry Feilden and the Fighting Fifth Hurdle at Newcastle .
5 Float ( i.e. the lapse of time between the end of a work element and the following dependent work element ) or a programmed period of unproductive time within a work element has to be recognized in both the tender and subsequent programmes .
6 To allow for the possibility that the acceleration change arises from a change in load torque ( as distinct from a change in Switching angle ) , the trial disturbances in switching angle must be made in both the positive and negative senses .
7 Sinatra stormed off of the set of Carousel on the first day of shooting because it was to be shot in both the new CinemaScope 55 format and the standard ‘ flat ’ ratio , meaning everything had to be shot twice .
8 Potential reservoirs can be recognised in both the platform and basin plain carbonates .
9 The substantive law on insider dealing can be found in both the common law and more recently in statute .
10 There are several arguments against the static concept of language to be found in both the ‘ sentence-as-object ’ and ‘ text-as-product ’ approaches .
11 Another analysis of a sample of sixteen English parishes has shown that in only one case did the number of males married between 1721 and 1750 who could also be found in both the baptism and burial records exceed 50 per cent ( in that case it was 51 per cent ) .
12 Mr Wood commented : ‘ After many months of being in one of the lower positions it is gratifying to see the improved collection which , I hope , will be continued in both the old and new taxes . ’
13 Whilst the desired output and constraints can be specified in both the secondary and tertiary activities , it is extremely difficult at times to specify the form of the output required in the primary stage and even more difficult to attempt to quantify it .
14 Servicing valves should be fitted in both the inlet and outlet pipes of the softener so that it can be removed or isolated for maintenance without the need to turn off the mains water supply .
15 Jobs have to be created in both the private and public sectors of the economy if full employment is to be maintained .
16 A self-styled psychologist specialising in child sex-abuse cases , she has now been discredited in both the USA and the UK .
17 Their daughters now in their sixties , fifties and forties , were the post-war generations of married women who found their way back into waged work , who disrupted the equation between the breadwinner and masculinity which has been inscribed in both the wage system and in the state 's system of income support .
18 Several changes in the tax treatment of pensions with particular implications for high earners were introduced in both the 1987 and 1989 Budgets .
19 One aspect of this review was to examine whether the MSC 's commitment to an equal opportunities policy was being fulfilled in both the letter and spirit of the agreement .
20 Subsequently borrowings were repaid in both the third and fourth quarters , from a combination of a reduction in liquid resources and the measures taken to return to a positive cash flow .
21 Interest has been expressed in both the Crewe Heritage Centre and Ironbridge among nearby centres and I have received a suggestion that we might visit the Gwili Railway farther afield .
22 It is misplaced in both the revised and the original Purcell Society edition of the score .
23 France and Italy have been cited as examples of countries in which the maintenance of group and individual integrity is stressed in both the general culture and in political life .
24 It is written in both the dialect and the vocabulary of the different people : Finn + Tom , Jim , the townspeople etc .
25 Scorton is entered in both the Wyre in Bloom and the Best Kept Village competitions .
26 If social workers become case managers , as is suggested in both the Griffiths report and the White Paper , then they will assume responsibility for interweaving services at fieldwork level .
27 Challenge tests for the assessment of the antimicrobial efficacy of preservative systems in pharmaceutical products are described in both the United States Pharmacopeia XXII and the British Pharmacopoeia 1988 .
28 So , the advantages of rendering properties measurable , as contrasted with simple classifications , are manifested in both the descriptive and explanatory functions of science — if it can be achieved .
29 The P–59 Airacomet was produced in both the ‘ A and ‘ B versions , the ‘ B featuring squared-off wings and stabilisers , the aforementioned higher thrust engines and greater fuel capacity .
30 Considerable publicity was achieved in both the local and trade press by the event .
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