Example sentences of "be [verb] then the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If other variables , such as blood pressure response , exercise duration and induced ventricular ectopics or arrhythmias , are included then the value of the test as a prognostic indicator increases markedly .
2 If two values of probability density are nominated then the area they define under the curve is the probability that any item drawn from the sample will lie between them .
3 If two values of probability density are nominated then the area they define under the curve is the probability that any item drawn from the sample will lie between them .
4 If an announcement has been prepared then the response to a leak should be more effective than in the event of having to deal with the situation at short notice .
5 If all 250 rights are sold then the investor will receive ( 0.44 ) 250=110 , which compensates for the loss in value of the existing shares .
6 The following drill shows how this was set up for ( simplified ) Basari ( Togo ) : Once these simple drills are mastered then the noun phrase in the object slot could be expanded by the addition of one modifier at a time and drilled until all modifiers which may be affixed for concord with the noun have been drilled .
7 If those shells had been preserved then the sand and shingle in which they lay could not have been eroded by the sun and wind .
8 A high turnover of newcomers does not have a serious effect on the community if a substantial group of native families remain rooted in the same spot , but if over the years it is the oldest families that are emigrating then the parish structure will be unstable .
9 The slope is found from and the intercept from Once a and b are known then the value of y corresponding to every integer value x lying between xmin and xmax is calculated from the equation of the line and a dot is printed at the point x , y .
10 When degrees of control are introduced then the situation does become manipulated by the observer .
11 If the input data specifies that the structure is NOT to be modified then the user 's log file is closed and processing terminates .
12 If the rabbits are to be shot then the man required to do the shooting must be freed from all other responsibilities .
13 If a voluntary timetable can not be agreed then the Government can " guillotine " proceedings .
14 If efficacy can be shown then the question of harm needs to be considered by using information from the trial itself ( however few the data ) together with other available data ; it may be necessary to set up special surveillance methods .
15 Each minister has departmental responsibility and can be called to account for the working of his department before parliament ; if incompetence or maladministration be proved then the minister will be called upon to resign either by the Prime Minister or by the direct action of parliament .
16 After listening to Mr Lightman 's allegations , Lord Donaldson said that if Mr Oliver 's affidavit was to be believed then The Mail on Sunday had acted in ‘ a wholly hypocritical way . ’
17 Should the Doom Diver be slain then the catapult can not shoot in its following turn while another Doom Diver steps forward to replace him — the model can therefore be removed and replaced in its following turn .
18 If drawings or handwriting has to be reproduced then the stencil can be cut by a ‘ stylus ’ pen .
19 If populations are to remain in the disadvantaged areas , and if the economy is to be diversified then the relationship between part-time farming and other complementary economic activities must be recognised in policy and fiscal terms .
20 It may not in all cases be sufficient to advise a client that the action which he desires to take is not possible under the existing law ; circumstances may arise in which the proper answer is that if the law does not allow the action to be taken then the law itself should be changed .
21 If the offer is likely to be contested then the offeror will not be able to use the target 's board as a barometer to help it set the price .
22 If some form of quantitative criteria can be established then the evaluation process can be carried out objectively and efficiently .
23 Once the management task has been defined then the type of information required can be identified .
24 If expectations are fixed then the answer is that the government can achieve point A on the iso-vote line V 1 by expanding aggregate demand to generate inflation of P 1 and unemployment of U 1 .
25 If the floor plates have ever been removed then the sealer around them may have been damaged and need replacing .
26 If the ‘ pincers ’ were to meet then the space for conventional capitalist ‘ management ’ — i.e. the hierarchal direction of enterprises in the pursuit of profit , recognising some form of responsibility to ‘ shareholders ’ but not to working people — would be at least severely restricted and at best eliminated .
27 If a primary source is being accessed then the student must look to other indicators for confirmation — such as the regnal year , the indiction and the day of the month in Roman fashion , already covered , but also the golden number , the epact , the dominical letter and the concurrents .
28 For the managers , if the case for absolution from competitive tendering were lost then the strategy for Banstead was rendered non-viable .
29 If Berowne were murdered then the killing was premeditated .
30 Although communists were a nuisance it was fascist anti-semitism which caused the real headache ; if this were outlawed then the problem would be removed .
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