Example sentences of "be [verb] into [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 Yet most of Terry Parsons ' generally handsome sets are impressively solid-looking , and are moved into place with machine-like efficiency by the stage crew .
2 If you 're going into business with Kev , I 'd slap Sukey into a chastity belt pronto . ’
3 Yet even as she felt humiliated on his behalf she recognized that she too had been drawn into complicity with Emilia 's will .
4 We are betrayed into captivity with our own co-operation .
5 Thus the storyteller and the compiler create in us , step by fearful step , a sense of foreboding , and when we learn at the start of chapter 4 that the Israelites are going into battle with the mighty Philistines , then our knees begin to tremble and we dread what the outcome might be .
6 More and more are going into politics with the specific intention of working to change the present unjust system .
7 Each one of us has been called into ministry with the God of the universe .
8 Before perming , hair is prepared with a deep cleansing shampoo and curls are locked into place with a postperm treatment .
9 Also modules which have been entered into LIFESPAN with no SYSTEM DELETE protection can not be Hard Copied .
10 But at least they had been brought into contact with other sufferers .
11 Stanley interests had first been brought into conflict with Gloucester by Edward 's grant of extensive Lancashire land to the duke in 1469 .
12 Stanley interests had first been brought into conflict with Gloucester by Edward 's grant of extensive Lancashire land to the duke in 1469 .
13 In the past fifteen years , the French inflation rate has been brought into line with Germany 's , a trade imbalance has been reduced , and successive devaluations of the franc , that stressed German supremacy , have been halted .
14 Since it is hard to see how in any respect , in the context of interdicts , legacies could have been brought into line with trusts , at the very least we must suppose that the compilers have turned the text around , writing of making legacies equivalent to trusts where Ulpian had written of making trusts equivalent to legacies .
15 Over the last few years they have simply been brought into line with demand .
16 The line which divides takeover from merger can admittedly sometimes be rather hard to detect where solicitors in acquired firms are introduced into partnership with the enlarged practice , and the true nature of the arrangement may take some time to develop .
17 When reading books illustrated by a Maurice Sendak or a Charles Keeping , children are brought into contact with the visual ideas of artists — ideas of those who would extend their ability to see works of art ( and the world about them ) with increasingly-experienced eyes .
18 Well , in their further training our qualified teachers and trainers are brought into contact with a great variety of influences , to widen their horizons and enrich their teaching .
19 Social person labels , such as teacher , pupil , doctor , patient , master , servant , only acquire meaning when they are brought into association with their dyadic counterpart as in teacher/pupil , doctor/patient , master/servant .
20 Congress , G M B has been to the forefront of the campaign to ensure that the laws of this country are brought into line with European legislation .
21 A separate product , LIFESPAN-ABLE , is available to allow large quantities of software to be enrolled into LIFESPAN with minimal effort .
22 However , some of the activities suggested can be incorporated into group-work with pupils of differing levels of visual competence .
23 I 'll be getting into conversation with one of these fibreglass ladies .
24 The sharer needs to be brought into contact with the seeker ( Reid 1979:32–36 ) .
25 Children are likely to be brought into contact with , and dependence on , a large number of ‘ step ’ relatives because of the first mechanism .
26 Unionists want methods of legislating for Northern Ireland to be brought into line with those for the rest of the United Kingdom .
27 The 1966 congress of the CPNI adopted a ‘ Democratic Programme for Unity ’ , which included demands for the electoral law in Northern Ireland to be brought into line with that in Britain , except for the reintroduction of proportional representation and the abolition of cash deposits by candidates .
28 There would be a more uniform distribution of traffic across the area and traffic volumes would be brought into line with area functions and land-use policies .
29 ‘ If wine merchants and restaurants are to survive and jobs are to be preserved , UK rates of excise duty on alcohol must be brought into line with those of other member states .
30 EC legislation does not require the national system to be brought into line with the EC system and the DNH has given repeated assurances that British historic portraits , textiles as well as arms and armour more than fifty years old will continue to receive extra protection .
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