Example sentences of "be [verb] into [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 The new chairman will be putting into action the firm 's $4m internal study of international strategy that was developed last year .
2 His speech was full of phrases such as , " All relevant circumstances will be taken into consideration " ; " I am confident that " such and such a thing will not happen ; " I do not envisage " that this will occur ; " I fully realise that such may be the case " ; " These will be taken into consideration The means will be satisfactory " ; and " This will be taken into account . "
3 certainly prior to the nineteen ninety two legislation erm in relation to what was er the was er required application but as you see since nineteen ninety two legislation , that petition was changed erm and in terms of the resolutions , we suggest that recognise the people concerned Hertfordshire and that they are taking into account the applications erm that we continue to work basically with H M I pollution aspects and that we respond to the Department of the Environment er expressing our concerns er er erm way in which er consultation has changed and in fact us .
4 After the separate nuclear liabilities incurred by Scottish nuclear power stations are taken into account the overall sum for nuclear waste disposal amounts to around £13.3 billion , the CEGB said yesterday .
5 If these are taken into account the ratio falls to 4:1 , and will fall further , as new rail lines like the £1 billion Jubilee Line are largely paid for by government , and as government foots the bill for the £600 million Docklands Highway , a four lane motorway from East to West Docklands .
6 When other tradeable assets are taken into account the total of charity money that might be available for fund management could be between £15bn and £20bn .
7 When indirect taxes — taxes such as VAT which are levied mainly on commodities purchased — are taken into account the tax burden on income is even less progressive .
8 Unless they are taken into account the conservatism of rural life in much of Spain is inexplicable : this conservatism was sustained by the intensity of local life .
9 Once the marketmaker 's spread and the broker 's commission are taken into account the investor will face a sizeable loss if he or she buys and exercises at these prices .
10 Each of these factors can , and usually does , act as a limiting factor , so that when each has been taken into account the major decision may be reasonably clear , even if not conclusive .
11 These , it appeared , were where the allegations had begun , and these , Mr M told the South Ronaldsay community , could only have come from some of the eight children who had been taken into care the previous November .
12 In so far as a three year average is concerned , point b made by Mr and erm that being taken into account the tail end of the boom .
13 They were putting into action the words of Sir Gordon Borrie :
14 It is as if Sukenick were putting into practice the principles of what he has called the ‘ architectonic novel ’ which ( and he cites Raymond Federman 's Double or Nothing as a prime example ) works like a jigsaw puzzle : ‘ the picture is filled out but there is no sense of development involved ’ ( Federman 1975 : 38 ) .
15 The Burrows family were putting into practice the Army policy of " itinerants for God " .
16 A contrasting case is Watson [ 1989 ] 2 All ER 865 ( CA ) : the jury were to take into account the knowledge of the victim 's age and ( frail ) condition which he had acquired after he had broken into her house .
17 Before a screening test is introduced into practice the efficacy of the test in detecting disease and the effectiveness of early intervention in preventing death or disability must first be quantified .
18 that is taking into account the occupancy will be eighty seven percent
19 In the absence of any other factors , if this timing difference is taken into account the effective interest rate would be the same .
20 On the face of it gross profit rates showed a steady decline over the 1960s and a dramatic fall between 1970 and 1975 from 23 per cent to 13 percent ; if capital consumption is taken into account the fall was from 17 to 4 per cent .
21 When rotation is taken into account the maximum stable mass is found to increase .
22 while evidence from different sources is taken into account the final decision on the attainment of learning outcomes rests with the professional judgement of the tutor ;
23 Once the text had been divided into sentences the words and punctuation were replaced by the corresponding grammatical code(s) from the OALDCE .
24 In his study of abolition , Williams was effectively challenging the views perpetrated by an august body of imperial historians and in so doing was bringing into question the ‘ moral legitimacy ’ of the British anti-slavery movement .
25 If the Alexander Technique was introduced into schools the country could save thousands of millions of pounds each year from the cost of the National Health service , let alone the misery it would save for millions of people .
26 Perhaps the most influential of the European ecological botanists was the Dane , Eugenius Warming ( 1841–1924 ) , whose Plantesamfund of 1895 was translated into German the following year and into English as Oecology of Plants in 1909 .
27 He immediately fell out with the managing director , who resigned , and then with the new chairman , respected City figure John Redgrave , who was put into rescue the company by the stockbrokers .
28 In general he attempted a series of solutions to specific questions without displaying an overall metaphysical coherence , and the work 's chief contribution was to bring into consideration the ideas of recently translated Arab and Jewish philosophers , especially Averroes and Moses Maimonides .
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