Example sentences of "be [verb] from [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Such interests are slowly diffusing to other feminist psychologists , who have previously been distanced from them by the constraints of the mainstream discipline .
2 So much of its beauty had been stripped from it by the whipping winds .
3 Always you are separated from it by an expanse of one thing or another : docks or roads .
4 Skelton Village and the area of D thirty nine and D forty form no part of the built area of York , but are separated from it by open country .
5 Because she had been detached from it at the most traumatic moments , she had not been caused any distress but was well able to see how the combination of Daniel 's various experiences could have led to her phobia about water .
6 Well you see been hiring from me for ten years .
7 Buckley was a man in possession of secrets , and a 400-page confession had allegedly already been extracted from him under torture .
8 As Denton has shown , Winchelsey had used Clericis Laicos tactically to keep the king at bay while evading the full implications of that bull — that the pope alone could give consent ; Edward spent the last years of his reign dexterously reversing this and nullifying the commitments which appeared to have been extracted from him by the Confirmation of the Charters in 1297 .
9 A. borealis is similar to A. fragilis but may be distinguished from it by the following characters : the shape of the modified arm spines which are flattened often with an axe shaped tip in borealis , while those of fragilis have a serrated edge ; the number of arm spines ; borealis has 3–4 , fragilis has 5–7 arm spines ; the distal oral papillae , which in borealis are small and low , often two on each side of the jaw , in fragilis they are slightly larger and more spine-like , with usually only one on each side of the jaw .
10 The children must be quite clear from the outset about the task in hand ; what is going to be expected from them during the course of the lesson ?
11 Homogeneous catalysts are compounds of metals that dissolve in the reaction mixture and which must be separated from it at the end .
12 The instruction following a label must be separated from it by at least one space .
13 As a matter of practice , moneys paid into the account would be transferred from it to the account in Scotland if not immediately , then certainly within a matter of days , for amalgamation with the general fund .
14 Field barns were built to serve land lying some distance from the farmstead , or which could only be reached from it by way of steep hills .
15 Alternatively , the targeted assets can be hived down to Target and all the other assets and liabilities of the transferor company can be extracted from it into a company which is to stay in the vendor group .
16 For a working constitution in a democracy implies reference to certain norms and standards which lie beyond and outside the document itself , and which can not easily be inferred from it by someone who is not steeped in the history and culture of the country concerned .
17 The Formalist principle whereby ‘ the forms of art are explainable by the laws of art ; they are not justified by their realism ’ ( Shklovsky 1965b : 57 ) is manifest in almost every aspect of Sterne 's novel and does not have to be inferred from it by analysis ( as perhaps it does in Gogol 's Overcoat ) .
18 Yes , but she could be parting from him in a different way — ; stealing away , running off , he was surprised she had never done so , that she had n't killed the old woman with a poison in the way she had perhaps schemed to kill him , that she had not held her under just a moment too long when she took her swimming that she had not simply abandoned her in the settlement .
19 It has to be emphasised that the committee worked always in the shadow of the law : Section 132 of the Public Health Act 1875 had said that any expenses incurred by a local authority in maintaining in a hospital a patient who is not a pauper , should be deemed to be a debt due from such patient to the local authority , and could be recovered from him at any time within six months after his discharge from the hospital .
20 A purchaser of land might well be uneasy if he knew that , even if he had no notice of a trust , the land could be recovered from him by a trustee .
21 The wind must be blowing from them to you , since this not only minimises the noise you may inadvertently make but it prevents your scent blowing towards the rabbits and giving them advance warning that all 's not well .
22 So when the personnel officer told her she 'd be hearing from them in the next two days , Muriel went away optimistic .
23 The aim of this research is to evaluate how far these new courses are meeting their objective and to find out what lessons can be learned from them for engineering education in general .
24 To counteract such baneful influence , they should be removed from it into an educational programme designed to instil a proper sense of their place in society , of the duties attached to it and of the importance of attending to the teachings of the established Church .
25 Will any of their existing rights be taken from them under the new arrangements ?
26 Again , on the face of the statute , I can not see any reason why in this case the constable should do more than tell the driver the reason under section 7(3) why breath specimens can not be taken or used ; tell him that in these circumstances he is required to give a specimen of blood or urine but that it is for the constable to decide which ; warn him that a failure to provide the specimen required may render him liable to prosecution ; and then , if the constable decides to require blood , ask the driver if there are any reasons why a specimen can not or should not be taken from him by a doctor .
27 His goodwill with those customers belonged to him and can not reasonably be taken from him by a covenant of this kind .
28 The Prime Minister of Israel , Itzhak Shamir , told a meeting of his ruling Likud Party on Feb. 26 that the end of the war would bring a new " period of trial " for Israel and that there would " be an effort to use political means to snatch from Israel what could not be snatched from us by force " .
29 Further information about the centre and its work can be obtained from me at the centre .
30 FOLLOWING on from last month 's report on club management ( p79 of September 's RW&P , Jim Saker of Loughborough University Business School , co-author with Sarah Massey , has reminded us that copies of the full report ( price £15 inclusive of postage & packing ) or the synopsis ( £3 ) and information on training workshops can be obtained from him at Loughborough University School .
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