Example sentences of "be [verb] from [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He ought to have been stopped from buying the paper in the first place , ’ he said .
2 No news had been received from regarding the membership application from .
3 Nevertheless they are constrained from deploying the usual wind-up techniques by their overriding concern to justify their actions and attitudes to someone who disapproved of them but whom they perceived to be in a position to influence their situation for better or worse .
4 Here I am talking to you about myself — a thing I assure you I very very rarely do — while you are shrinking from making the slightest personal communication to me .
5 The Anglian Water Authority , which said it had been constrained from discussing the problems because it might affect the price of shares during privatisation , refused last night to attend a meeting of local people worried about the problem .
6 Under the clampdown all Palestinians , including 50,000 day workers employed in Israel , had been prevented from leaving the Strip for 14 days , the longest quarantine period since the 40-day closure of the Israeli-occupied territories during the Gulf war in early 1991 .
7 VERs are designed to protect the domestic car industry , but critics argue that consumers suffer , as some are prevented from buying the car of their choice , and that the prices of Japanese cars are higher than they would otherwise have been , thus raising Japanese profit margins ( ie profit per car sold ) .
8 At present , patients are prevented from receiving the benefit for the first six months of a terminal illness .
9 What , however , is the position if , at the time of the buyer 's wrongful anticipatory repudiation , the seller had already been disabled from completing the essential terms of the contract ( e.g. the seller 's factory making the goods was already so far behind in production that the seller could not possibly have delivered the goods by the contractual delivery date ) .
10 He notes the erroneous conclusions which have been drawn from comparing the functioning of the Kenyan Industrial Court with apparently functionally similar wage-regulating institutions in New Zealand and Australia , in the absence of any consideration of the vast differences in the nature and basis of trade union power as between African countries and industrialised economies .
11 Full-time reserve police on the whole are people who are disqualified from entering the regular force as a result of age , height , or physical health .
12 Mrs. Hamblin would have been precluded from denying the trader 's authority to sell the car .
13 The company is moving literally to a single-code structure for iAPX-86 , Alpha and R-series , and licensees are restricted from changing the code .
14 The company is moving literally to a single-code structure for Intel , Alpha and Mips and licensees are restricted from changing the code .
15 By increasing the bureaucratic hurdles , some wives would have been deterred from pursuing the matter .
16 A third might have been deterred from adopting the Copernican theory because of his involvement with terrestrial mechanics and his awareness of the problems that the Copernican theory posed for it .
17 In many cases , because they are unemployed , they are deterred from seeking the vital certificate because of the cost involved in having to travel to Grampian to undertake the training at the Robert Gordon institute of technology .
18 Even the Oxford Museum was not free from Italian influence and ‘ Scott would be throwing away his best chance ’ if he let himself be debarred from doing the same .
19 The selection of the 109 tagset is rather arbitrary , being chosen simply because it offered the most distinctive tagset that could be formed from combining the Text710 tagset with the LOB tagset .
20 These categories of luck threaten the very notion of moral responsibility in that if the precondition of control is consistently applied we would be disbarred from making the wide range of moral judgments that we find it entirely natural to make .
21 Garry Turvey , of the Freight Transport Association , said : ‘ French farmers must be stopped from taking the law into their own hands . ’
22 It was even more difficult to ask serious questions about the system for radiographing the integrity of welds , which the engineers were keen to explain , when what really mattered was whether this monster could be stopped from crossing the Channel .
23 Now , the Family Health Services Authority has warned that unless it is given more money , prospective fundholders could be discouraged from joining the scheme .
24 The language of the Code is taken to constitute the major premise so that Lord Herschell said in Bank of England v Vagliano Brothers [ 1891 ] AC 107 : " [ T ] he law should be ascertained from interpreting the language used instead of , as before , roaming over a vast number of authorities in order to discover what the law was … " ( p145 ) .
25 The Midland , however , cannily saw the profit to be made from exploiting the potential mass market and led the way .
26 What he had not bargained for was that the ‘ fusion ’ cell would be deemed a radioactive hazard and so be prevented from getting the urgent clearance for transport across international borders .
27 Provided everybody else pays , the factory will cut back and you can not be prevented from getting the benefits .
28 If information is to be prevented from reaching the press , then the yardstick that determines success or failure is whether that information reaches the press or not !
29 Despite gaining a simple majority of votes a bidder may still be unable to gain control of the supervisory board with its entrenched powers and consequently be prevented from controlling the management of the company .
30 Thus where the discretionary fund management arm of a conglomerate receives confidential information from the corporate finance arm about Company X , the fund management arm may be prevented from using the information of disclosing it if it has actual knowledge of the breach of confidence or possibly where it ought to have known of the breach .
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