Example sentences of "be [verb] from [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In Messenger Newspapers Group v. NGA ( 1984 ) the union called a strike to support the policy of 100 per cent union membership which had been departed from in some subsidiary companies belonging to the Group .
2 The law as so stated has , I think , been so understood for most of this century , at least at the level of the Court of Appeal ; but it has been the subject of increasing criticism by academic lawyers , and has been departed from in significant respects in some Commonwealth countries , both by legislation and by judicial development of the law .
3 All the suppliers of building services represented in this brochure have been selected from amongst those recommended by established local opinion as being reliable and reasonable .
4 We can pull out of the Common Market and out of NATO , but there are practical limits as to what can be done from within British politics to overcome the external constraints on the development of public policy in Britain since we are part of the world economy .
5 With very few exceptions , judges are required to be selected from amongst practising barristers and it is difficult for anyone without a private income to survive the first years of practice .
6 One broadly representative country will be selected from within this group for further study
7 Erm no it it it y you know where I 'm coming from on this , the suggestion is that Se
8 The question which should be posed is not whether offenders should be permitted to profit from their crimes but whether crime should be profited from by any person .
9 These may be chosen from among any of the first-level courses offered for the MA(General) .
10 If this is so , then any attempts to conjure up a single popular will can only be factitious , and dangerous to the rights of individuals and groups within society : hence , in part , the suspicion with which mass political movements are viewed from within this perspective .
11 When the pattern is displayed from within this option it will appear as shown in Figure 5 .
12 The preferable proposal is that a sergeant is redeployed from from another town in and er I wo n't mention where I have my beady eye
13 Now if our estimates , say for the marginal to consume or the incoming elasticity of demand , right if our estimates are based on a regression in which the real or the underlying marginal propensity to consume or income elasticity demand is varying from plus four to minus two , you know , is our point test generate from , from regression analysis they are going to be completely meaningless .
14 Well I asked him was he alright and he said aye , and then I fell asleep , I 've been sleeping from after eight twenty past eight .
15 So far natural selection had kept the group small enough to be manageable ; usually it was filled from among those who came to her monthly entertainments .
16 Three points lying in a straight line were stimulated in quick succession and the subject 's task was to indicate from among four alternatives the orientation of the line in which the stimuli had been presented .
17 This too was orchestrated from on high .
18 The Gothic style of architecture in England was employed from about 1170–1560 ; a long period , possibly longer than that in any other country .
19 When we used to go in the truck , Claypole Ridge was 15 miles , though it looks closer , and the smoke was coming from behind that .
20 In elections for the chair of the Supreme Soviet ( standing parliament elected from the Congress ) , Ruslan Khasbulatov , the acting chair , was elected from among five candidates on Oct. 28 by 559 votes to 381 , the election having been postponed from July [ see p. 38349 ] .
21 The population of Britain was to rise from between seven and eight million in 1760 to 15 million in 1820 — in other words , it doubled in a period of 60 years .
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