Example sentences of "be [verb] at [adj -er] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Locke 's views on this matter are similar to Gassendi 's , but are developed at greater length .
2 From the shareholder 's point of view , dividends are taxed at higher rate than capital gains ( even though the marginal rates are identical ) .
3 Since there are only a small number , it is economic to make the accumulators faster than the store elements , so that operations are performed at greater speed while all operands are held in accumulators .
4 Their earliest known appearance was at Mochlos , around 2500 BC ( Early Minoan 11 ) , and large numbers of them have been found at later Minoan sites .
5 This argument will be developed at greater length in Chapter 7 .
6 The feudal relationship between the Plantagenets and Capetians will be considered at greater length at a later stage , but some discussion of its implications before 1290 is appropriate at this point .
7 Notation for classification schemes will be considered at greater length in section 13.3 .
8 Milk can be produced at lower cost from cows with the highest genetic potential in either low or high feed input systems .
9 Guidelines methods are also to be found at later decision-making stages of the process , governing , for example , emergency release , temporary release and parole practice ( Gottfredson 1987 ) .
10 The service developments which followed the Home Support Project will be discussed at greater length in the final chapter .
11 Not only has this phenomenon led to a concomitant spread of branches of the major search firms overseas to the major world capitals — which will be discussed at greater length in Chapter 6 — but also the pressure on multinationals to employ local executives has caused a worldwide reverse diaspora .
12 The justification is that a respondent should not be put at further risk of costs by virtue of the Revenue 's wish to have final authority on some aspect of taxation law , which will inevitably be of general application .
13 If , however , as we have already suggested , and shall be arguing at greater length below , choices about technology and how it is applied are the subject of a conflict of interests , and thus result in bargaining , then predictions about the outcome are more uncertain .
14 Applications to machine learning are discussed at greater length by Li and Vitsnyi ( 1993 ) .
15 These needs , and the University 's response to them , are discussed at greater length in section 3 of the planning statement on physical resources .
16 For example , early indicators of investment success under a cost-leadership strategy might be the proof , at an embryonic stage of the life-cycle , that the product matches its rivals in quality but is being produced at lower cost .
17 Who knows how close the rest of Britain came to resembling Northern Ireland when plastic bullets were introduced at Broadwater Farm , but not used due to a decrease in the violence .
18 The new Council of Ministers included not only NSF members but also representatives from the National Liberal Party ( NLP ) , the Romanian Ecological Movement ( REM ) and the Agrarian Democratic Party ( ADP ) ; other parties were represented at lower government level .
19 In WIRRAL , displays were being staged at Lower Park in Birkenhead Park , Central Park in Wallasey , Leasowe Adventure Playground , Mayer Park in Bebington , Woodchurch Community Centre , Upton Park in Moreton and Lingham Park in Moreton ( all at 6.30pm ) .
20 If deposits are renewed at shorter time intervals than the loan roll-over dates ( mostly six months ) , a bank might increase its profits , as seven day deposit funds are usually cheaper than six month funds .
21 Choice of topic to be studied Some of the reasons why researchers choose their topics have been discussed on p. 11 , and this issue is considered at greater length in chapter 6 .
22 Propane alone requires stronger , and therefore heavier , containers as it is stored at higher pressure .
23 The matter of weeding policy in academic libraries as related to policy on collection size is discussed at greater length in Chapter 3 .
24 However , the assignment of confidence ratings to the output of each analyser remains a highly contentious issue , and one that is discussed at greater length in Chapter Seven .
25 This subject was discussed at greater length in Chapter 9 .
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