Example sentences of "be [verb] on time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A special loan so that , say , all the statues in Cairo can be cleaned on time for the Khedive 's birthday .
2 Category A debt 's interest will be paid on time with the principal repaid as cash comes in ; interest on B debt will be rolled up and the capital not repaid until all A debt is redeemed .
3 Heron proposes classifying debt as A and B. Category A interest would continue to be paid on time with principal repaid from cash generated by the ongoing businesses and asset disposals .
4 Mr Ensall admitted there had been delays , but that all mail had been processed on time since March 9 .
5 They are adjusted so that if the project were completed on time to specification the contractor would realize a reasonable profit .
6 Bitter correspondence in July and August failed to resolve the dispute although Smith & Jones did make a without prejudice offer of £500 ( in respect of the two deliveries which were made on time without damaged goods ) to settle the matter .
7 I extend a standing invitation to any firm that is not being paid on time by any of the country 's 100 largest companies or Government Departments to allow me to take up its case individually .
8 Having done just that half way through this contest which was judged on time in the first round , she had an agonising wait to see whether anyone would catch her .
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