Example sentences of "be [verb] on [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 More than 70 per cent of adult Albanians have been dismissed on ethnic grounds from jobs as various as toilet cleaners , museum curators and power plant directors .
2 The woods in Coulby Newham , which have suffered from half a century of neglect , will be rejuvenated with help from three developers Wimpey , Yuill and McLean who are building on adjacent plots .
3 Holograms are placed on real Microsoft products to distinguish them from fakes ; but they , too , were being mass-produced for counterfeiters by a university in China .
4 The fund 's assets are placed on fixed deposit with AA credit-rated banks .
5 The living turtles are placed on burning coals and heated until their top and bottom shells become malleable enough to rip off .
6 A light source and photosensitive device photodiode , phototransistor or photovoltaic cell — are placed on opposite sides of the disc , so that the device is illuminated whenever a disc slot is in front of the light source .
7 On inter-island sectors when conditions are suitable , routes are flown on special VFR clearances , often not above 1,000 feet .
8 Two main kinds of European amber have been distinguished on chemical grounds .
9 The soils are developed on freshwater alluvium .
10 The genuine popularity of the Prince , his self-evident concern and compassion , and events like his fortieth birthday party ( held in a Birmingham tram shed ) are drawing on new sources of support for the institution of monarchy beyond the recesses of middle-class dreaming .
11 Emphasis has been placed on increasing income inequalities as a means of boosting incentives for more work effort on an individual and corporate level .
12 Whilst in the past some reliance has been placed on low melting point plastics and the thermal shock effects on asbestos cement sheeting to provide a degree of ventilation , consequential to a fire , experience indicates that such faith can be misplaced .
13 In recent years , a great deal of emphasis has been placed on technological progress as a cause of structural unemployment .
14 Particular emphasis has been placed on supervisory skills , multi-tasking and accreditation of competence , as well as safety and safety awareness training and graduate placement schemes .
15 But how far have the changes in child care law embodied in the Children Act 1989 , with its focus on the paramountcy of the child 's welfare ( as a means to the child 's better protection ) , and the increasing emphasis which has been placed on parental responsibility rather than rights by the courts in recent years , been mirrored by changes in the balance of power between parent , child and state in education ?
16 In this way the study diverges from the usual tradition of elite studies where emphasis has been placed on ideological response or constituency service as the key to understanding the adoption of attitudes in such an elite .
17 Emphasis has been placed on clinical aspects of disease , although a brief account of the causative organism and the relevant pathology is also given .
18 Emphasis has been placed on clinical aspects of disease , although a brief account of the causative organism and the relevant pathology is also given .
19 The corollary of this is the increasing emphasis that has been placed on urban policies , such as Inner-City Partnerships and Enterprise Zones .
20 Even if cubs had been reared on human flesh , they did not persist in man-eating once they had grown up .
21 Stone 's operations in the US have also been criticized on environmental grounds .
22 The first limb is universally accepted as legitimate ; the second , though having the merit of expanding the scope of the Convention , has been criticized on various grounds .
23 The allocation of structural funds in southern Europe has been criticized on numerous occasions as causing environmental damage [ see EDs 56 ; 70 ] .
24 Key settlements have also been criticized on social grounds , a point that will be elaborated in the next section .
25 The University 's approach to financial planning ( as has been explained on previous occasions ) is essentially conservative , in that its systems are aimed at forecasting what funds will be available during the planning period and deciding how best to apply them to the academic priorities already identified .
26 If directions have already been given on pre-trial review , this appointment is not needed .
27 Small , lance-shaped , dark green leaves are arranged on long stems in whorls of 6–8 .
28 Their decisions are binding on industrial tribunals and have had a significant impact on managerial practices by major employers .
29 By 1723 , ninety-nine cottages had been erected on small pieces of land taken from the wastes .
30 They also stated that the monuments and war graves " dedicated to the victims of war and tyranny which have been erected on German soil will be respected and will enjoy the protection of German law " , and that in the united Germany " the free democratic basic order will be protected by the constitution …
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