Example sentences of "be [verb] for [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Printed by Imprimeries Réunies , Lausanne , the books are intended for both the general public and scholars .
2 This new use meant a severe criticism of the earlier knowledge , since Marx believed that the studies he was using had originally been made for exactly the opposite purpose to his ; they had been made in order to justify the oppression which Marx say as the core of the capitalist system .
3 If it 's sultry shades you 're looking for then the Preludes collection from Helena Rubenstein is one to try .
4 Gloucester has always been an important centre for the water-borne movement of goods , its quays dating back many centuries , and as far back as anyone can trace , the Severn has been used for both the import and export of a multitude of commodities .
5 He confirmed that she had been invited for both the church service and the lunch .
6 Only one of the three identifier sections on the form should be completed when specifying a range of entries and the same identifier should be used for both the Start and Finish of the range .
7 Only one of the identifier sections on the form should be completed when specifying a range of entries and the same identifier should be used for both the Start and Finish of the range .
8 Only one of the identifier sections on the form should be completed when specifying a range of entries and the same identifier should be used for both the Start and Finish of the range .
9 Some subjects , eg Psychology or Mathematics , can be studied for either the degree of BSc or the degree of MA .
10 But I did have to worry about whether we were going to have the cash flow in ten years ' time to make sure that the parts can be paid for so the chap on the shop floor can stick the thing together .
11 The approval of the Spanish Government will be required for both the Architectural Project and the final acceptance of the refurbishment .
12 However they put aside their competitiveness ( the Caledonian and Balmoral in Edinburgh , for example , are fighting for exactly the same guests ) because they know that it is only by working together , as one body , that they will attract visitors to Scotland in the first place .
13 The sensitivity , specificity , and efficiency of the sweat spot test were calculated for both the sweat spot test score and the percentage number of abnormal subareas , and receiver operating characteristic curves were drawn for both parameters .
14 Further analysis showed no differences in results between schools in which the projects were taught for only the minimum time compared with those that taught it for longer .
15 And although the guys knew each other pretty well , they did n't know they were each coming to me , and they also did n't know they were asking for essentially the same mods !
16 Some argue that cheap imports are a waste of money — others say widely differing prices are being charged for exactly the same product and that suppliers which criticise imported cutlery often stock it themselves .
17 Left panel : Transgenic lines were established for both the -300 and -55 human NF-L promoter deletions .
18 X-ray fibre diffraction data had been obtained for both the A and B forms of DNA by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins at King 's College , London , but they lacked the phase data necessary to solve the structure .
19 Charges have also been advocated for precisely the opposite reason .
20 We will use the term mental lexicon , and we will assume that there is a single mental lexicon that is used for both the perception and production of both written and spoken language .
21 The artefact 's capacity to separate itself from the immediacy of a relationship embodied in the concept of utility is most evident in the manner in which it is used for precisely the opposite function , that is , to separate the individual from productive activity .
22 The allocation of work by tasks , although an efficient way of ensuring that work is completed , is unsatisfying for both the nurse and the patient .
23 Mr Bryan Gould , the party 's environment spokesman , has already announced that he is standing for both the leadership and deputy leadership .
24 The change involved no religious problems because the larger colony had been launched for much the same reasons : a number of Puritans , of whom the largest single group came from East Anglia , had formed the Massachusetts Bay Company and obtained a charter to settle there in a firm determination to cut themselves off from England and the elements of Roman Catholicism they detected in the Church of England .
25 Both had been part of the UN Trust Territory of the Pacific , established in 1947 , until this was terminated for both the FSM and Marshall Islands in December 1990 [ see p. 37920 ] .
26 He examined only two FT-SE index futures contracts , March 1985 and June 1985 , and a significant maturity effect was found for only the June 1985 contract .
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