Example sentences of "be [verb] that [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It has been reported that in stages III and IV of PBC , portal hypertension if present reflects sinusoidal pressure .
2 Again , the suggestion has been made that in cases where a woman 's SB is withdrawn because she is found/thought to be cohabiting , a ‘ tiding over ’ allowance should be made to ease the adjustment .
3 It has been shown that during intakes of up to 5 mmol/d most of the sulphate is absorbed in the small intestine and very little is found in ileal effluent although endogenous sources such as mucopolysaccharides provide an unknown additional amount of sulphate .
4 It has been noted that on occasions the cremated bones are found in the urns in a small cluster as if placed there in a small bag .
5 Why the process fails in 20% of the population is unclear but it has been noted that in patients with acid antra , G cells are qualitatively sparse .
6 Indeed , I am not absolutely sure that it has not been proved that in terms of pure cost-effectiveness a space such as a 4 cm double is the best you can buy — the only trouble is that you need an awful lot of them .
7 It 's been found that in Homes where residents are busy or active during the day , with plenty of stimulation , they are more likely to sleep well without drugs , and the rate of bed-wetting goes down dramatically .
8 Mind you , they 've been saying that for years , and the C64 is still the second biggest leisure-software market in Europe ( and the biggest market for budget software ! ) .
9 It can be seen that in terms of the formal equations it is possible to make some juncture , but in so doing it is also possible to lose sight of the quite different perspectives from which they derive .
10 Unfortunately it must be said that in binoculars ( or , for that matter , in most telescopes ) it is disappointing , because it lies at a narrow angle to us and the full beauty of the spiral is lost .
11 It could be argued that on occasions I 've taken on things which probably I have n't done as well out of financially as I might have done if I 'd done something else .
12 It might be argued that for years Britain unsuccessfully attempted the ‘ Italian approach ’ , trying to establish an independent , strong domestic producer and that now an approach , in some respects similar to the ‘ Spanish approach ’ ( welcoming foreign investment ) is being adopted .
13 It could be argued that in societies where the capitalist ethos is paramount the criminal is no less entitled to gain commercial advantage from his or her lawful activity than any other member of the community and that it should be the market which decides whether or not criminals should profit .
14 It will quickly be recognised that on matters of fact and challenges to the exercise of discretion leave to apply for judicial review will be refused .
15 It must be understood that on nights when there are two performances , coaches arriving after the streets mentioned in a ) above have been filled , with be diverted to King 's Stables Road .
16 While it is important in that costs will be saved , it must also be appreciated that in claims of considerable value there is possibly some advantage to be gained from making a substantial interim payment so that any question of interest on loss accruing between the date of the accident and the date of Proof , does not arise .
17 It should be remembered that in meetings of this type the minutes act as the authority for implementing the decisions .
18 It might also be suggested that for officers of an LEA to concentrate time and resources on prescribing how the physical arrangements of classrooms should be attended to represents a rather demeaning view of teachers and heads , whose proper concern such matters undoubtedly are .
19 Here it is reported that in cities whole neighbourhoods illegally tap overhead lines , part of the reason for the fact that some 40% of gross energy output disappears and revenue always lags well behind billings .
20 It is concluded that in PSS : ( 1 ) Impaired oesophageal motility delayed the clearance of acid and increased the exposure time to acid .
21 It is estimated that for women to give up work to look after disabled relatives cost earnings of 8,500 if they had no children and about 7,000 if they had .
22 Anne is hoping that in years to come they 'll be just as many grandchildren to keep her on her toes .
23 In the notes to Form 22 in the Schedule , which deals with inquisitions , it is suggested that in cases , inter alia , of death from natural causes , where appropriate the words ‘ and the cause of death was aggravated by lack of care ’ may be added .
24 However it has also been suggested that in areas such as science , engineering and medicine , the linearity of knowledge between school and higher education poses particular difficulties for mature students if their levels of preparedness in appropriate subjects compares unfavourably with traditionally qualified school leavers .
25 On the basis of these and similar findings , it has been suggested that in cases of small tumours up to 1 cm in diameter , endoscopic removal or local excision would be sufficient , but that larger or numerous carcinoid tumours should be treated by gastric resection or gastrectomy with removal of regional lymph notes .
26 Recently , it has been suggested that in humans gastric acid and serum pepsinogen secretion rates increase with age as does the prevalence of H pylori infection .
27 It has now been established that in cases where the Gateway has been totally excised , this condition may be extended indefinitely .
28 It was claimed that among subjects with a normal ( non-inverted ) writing posture , language and spatial functions were lateralised to the contralateral and ipsilateral hemispheres respectively .
29 Secondly , it was felt that on issues of property law differences in legal policy and approach created a chasm too large to bridge .
30 The problem can be briefly stated as follows ; it was thought that for certiorari to be available there would have to be not just a determination affecting the rights of individuals , but also a superadded duty to act judicially .
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