Example sentences of "be [verb] by long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The suggestion was that just as the energy of electrons is discharged in discrete amounts , or quanta , so energy is expended in near-shore sedimentary environments within short time intervals that are separated by long periods of relative calm .
2 It was Field in 1977 who had suggested that the glucose/sugar component of oral rehydration solutions could be replaced by long chain polymers of glucose , ie. starch .
3 ‘ You do n't want to be sitting by Long Island Sound with the sun shining down on the water and the sky streaked with apricot when you hear the news that your Dad has died .
4 But when the first baiter led his teams on to an unploughed field he did not have to trouble his head about the width of the stetches : that had been fixed by long usage and probably appeared to him then as unalterable an aspect of the landscape as the roads and the hedges .
5 Consequently , you will slowly be able to eliminate many ailments that have been caused by long standing patterns of misuse .
6 A couple of times we were attacked by long range German ‘ planes but fortunately on these occasions , they missed us .
7 Barron and Norris ( 1976 ) suggest that the labour market is divided into two segments — a primary sector which provides skilled , secure work at good levels of pay which is reached by long promotion ladders , and a secondary sector characterized by unskilled , insecure work with few promotion prospects and low levels of pay ( see figure 4.6 ) .
8 This subgenre of popfiction is delineated by long descriptions of some commonly found story-lines and its style is successfully contrasted with that of magazine stores and romances .
9 But he was resented by long memories in those who had fought a war ; by Churchill 's men for weakening the morale of the Air Force through his attacks on area bombing ; by the school of Lord Vansittart which loathed Germans and said that Nazis were typical of that race , and hated a bishop who told them never to identify the true Germany with Hitler .
10 His rise to prominence in political leadership was punctuated by long periods of withdrawal enforced by the colonial government : in this respect he was like Nehru during these same years , also held incommun-icado by the colonial power .
11 Money was made by long runs of dresses successfully sold .
12 In contrast , the adjustable peg system was characterized by long periods of crisis in deficit countries such as the UK with exchange rate adjustment occurring infrequently and belatedly , e.g. the devaluations of 1949 and 1967 .
13 Wilderness Of The Mind — Marc Bolan was compiled by long term fans John Williams and Caron Thomas , and chronicles the more obscure details and little known facts about his life .
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