Example sentences of "be [verb] [conj] all [num] " in BNC.

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1 Between six and ten years ago , there was a hundred and eighty pits in this country , yes a hundred and eighty pits , now we have a handful left and it has been leaked that all thirty one pits will still be closed within twelve months , done quietly and by the back door ignoring procedures and over the years this is what has been done .
2 He looked like an airline passenger who has just been told that all four engines on his 747 have just failed .
3 It will be seen that all three of these matters must have a special importance when the transaction in question is one of suretyship and the wife without any recompense , except the advantage of her husband , saddles herself or her separate property with a liability for his debt or debts .
4 The chest has three different padlocks and can only be opened when all three keyholders , the vicar and the two hospital wardens , are present .
5 ’ Be it observed , therefore , ’ Seely concluded his diagnosis , ‘ that in these three vital matters , which taken together create an emergency greater than any through which this country has passed for centuries , no solution can be found unless all three parties combine to solve them . ’
6 Chapman and two of the players were censured and all three players ordered to refund their excess wages — which in effect saved the club over £ 1 00 towards the fine .
7 A hoax in Newcastle shut down the main BR railway station , and in Tyne and Wear thousands of tube passengers were stranded when all 46 Metro stations were evacuated while 37 miles of track was searched .
8 A search of the area is still going on , but it 's thought that all 99 passengers and fourteen crew were killed .
9 In the future it is envisaged that all three methods will be available as alternative input techniques for computers , perhaps including shorthand as a fourth .
10 The Commission was told that all 13 hours of recordings of communications between the operations room of the SAP internal stability unit and police officers on the day of the massacre had been erased accidentally .
11 The court was told that all three were now grown up , with the girls 27 and 31 , and had only just revealed their ordeal at the hands of their stepfather .
12 In the experiment it was found that all three methods produced results that were better than random selection — but the domain specific methods were far superior to the domain-general method ( DG was 27% better than chance , the DS methods both roughly twice as good as chance ) .
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