Example sentences of "be [verb] [conj] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Sitting in Pat 's front room , surrounded by her nine Labradors , many of whom are rescue cases themselves , I asked Pat how the charity had been formed and what the situation was at present .
2 A list of written works which have been consulted and which the reader may refer to for more information .
3 That is the guarantee for which people are looking and which the Government appear to be failing to deliver .
4 It explains how the different types are made and what the names mean .
5 I think that 's what Priest , I mean I do n't know , Priest probably has a whole history of how he got is Esquire style , but Vincent went over there and had something to do with it , and I really think that taking the old style stuff and giving it a new spin helped , and the difference between what we 're doing and what the California crowd was doing — and this was also the time of punk rock — was that we were using traditional typefaces and they were
6 Greenpeace 's scientific adviser , Dr Jeremy Leggett , was particularly scathing : " There is a chasm between what the scientists have been saying and what the politicians are prepared to do about it .
7 It should be added that what the author lacks in scholarly rigour ( there are no footnotes and the index is skeletal ) he makes up for in discursive readability and enthusiasm .
8 We might agree that coercion ‘ in any evil sense ’ is not involved in the practice of satyāgraha , and it could be argued that what the phrase implies is that no abandonment of the principle of non-violence is involved .
9 For many it may be thought that what the market gives you is both fair and rightly yours .
10 The twelve environment ministers of the European Community have agreed that market forces can and should be used to environmental ends , but they failed to decide on the measures to be used or what the environmental ends should be .
11 It can reasonably be anticipated that whatever the addictive disease there will be an appropriate or near-appropriate Anonymous Fellowship .
12 Spanish rules and regulations then determine what percentage of total output will be exported and what the local component content will be .
13 well what in actual fact happened , it 's not easy to get Terry Wogan at a moments notice to come and sit down , what in actual fact happens is that we draw up exactly what it is , that , that he would be saying and what the answer will be , he sees that and it 's totally approved , understandably he 's not gon na put his name to anything that he does n't believe is , is correct and that is how it 's done and
14 Where reefs are notably wider than the average it may be assumed that there the corals were not killed off during the Pleistocene .
15 Volunteers have been asked to come up with ideas as to how the club should be run and what the objectives of it should be .
16 For example you know where you 're going to be working and what the rate of salary is .
17 It may be suggested that what the Child Poverty Action Group expected , and wanted , was a new Labour government returned to power , chastened by criticism of its family policies , and not a Conservative government .
18 What the actual , how many cases were written and what the estimated C C S A is , commission credit sum assured , I promise you , you will get to know that very quickly , because that 's the basis on which you get paid .
19 Leeming had written that no member of the party had any idea why they were kidnapped or who the kidnappers were .
20 Perhaps you could describe how , how the Guilds actually work an and how they sort of , how the committee were appointed and what the sort of , how the or originally the ordinary meeting was organised .
21 ( 3 ) The terms of reference must be defined in advance to ensure that the author and his boss or client are agreed on what is being studied and what the final report should cover .
22 Police first suspected Mr Davison had been killed when they the upper part of a man 's torso was found in a lake at Reigate in Surrey .
23 Erm obviously the borough council strongly advocates the the principle of a strategic exceptions policy and I think there there is some difference between what Professor Lock is advocating and what the borough council is advocating .
24 This is book to me — of which the clubhouse is built and which the early settlers favoured in their pursuit of the substantial .
25 Conflict is produced when what the parent says does not seem true to the adult .
26 Generally , it is agreed that whatever the magnitude of the effects of the soot plumes on the monsoon , it will have been within the range of natural interannual variability and very difficult , if not impossible , to substantiate .
27 distracts him from what he 's doing and he the distraction .
28 What that exhibition in fact is doing is that it 's not saying here 's a new spirit in painting , it 's saying that we the organizers , having not bothered to show you these things in the sixties and seventies , will now allow you to see them in the eighties , and we will pretend there 's a new spirit because we think it 's good for the art world to have new fashions , new movements , or at least something new going on that will produce some kind of emotional pressure .
29 Its contributions to the International Fund have earned it the right to find out how the money is spent and what the prospects are , in political and economic terms .
30 Explain what is to happen and what the patient needs to do .
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