Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] some [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Since the rate of repayment is reviewed only once annually , quite often the effect of mortgage rate rises has been delayed for some months , allowing the borrower to prepare for the increased cost .
2 Movie memorabilia is nothing new but cries of blaX-ploitation have been heard in some quarters .
3 The structure and organization of public services do not , at present , foster service developments which match the King 's Fund recommendations , and the need for an overhaul in the way services are organized has been recognized for some years .
4 Now , one member of the joint traffic management sub-committee who has been closely associated with all of these three issues is county councillor Tony and I must say , Mr Mayor that I am surprised to say the least by the way in which councillor appears appears to have been treated by some members of the labour party in this city .
5 Bernard and Laura escaped on to their sailing boat for much of the summer , a yacht they had been enjoying for some years now , and they pottered around Mykonos in Greece .
6 The expenditure of public money on this , yet another television service , has been criticized in some quarters , but the Governor told me his decision was based on the fact , as he saw it , of NTV 's pro-Federal bias .
7 Airbus Industrie rejected any suggestion that the aircraft itself was to blame , but its sophisticated " fly by wire " computer system had been criticized by some experts as over-complicated , and Indian Airlines staff complained that pilots and maintenance crew had received insufficient training on the Airbus .
8 Yes Moderator the Board 's erm published accounts are prefaced by some comments on the accounting conventions that are used .
9 It does piss you off admittedly when scum are on so much , and I 've a sneaking feeling that Leeds have still not been forgiven in some parts of the press for being close enough to sneak the title when scum fucked up ( due to Fuckerson 's crap team selection ) .
10 In an attempt to address this situation , alternative approaches to worker certification and improved opportunities for advancement have been developed in some countries .
11 More recently fast-breeder reactors fuelled with a mixture of plutonium and uranium have been developed by some countries .
12 Though it seems reasonable to assume that the ideal candidate for cardiac transplantation is one who has irreversible cardiac failure and severe symptomatic restrictions despite all treatment but with no requirement for intravenous or interventional support and no secondary end organ damage , in practice many of the patients referred for consideration of transplantation require active support in hospital and have been referred in some cases because they have developed secondary end organ damage .
13 The ability of a prime minister effectively to call a general election has been regarded by some writers as the most important weapon in ensuring parliamentary support .
14 In contemporary England written language takes precedence , for instance , in a legal context — a written contract being more binding than a spoken agreement — while in Scotland verbal contracts are binding in some cases .
15 The London General Omnibus Company had been experimenting for some years and , in 1910 introduced to the streets of London , their ‘ B ’ type , petrol engined , double-decker , opened top buses .
16 Already huge controversy has been provoked by some researchers ' attempts to claim effective ownership of human genes through patenting and by a proposal to set up a UK national database of ‘ DNA fingerprints ’ to enable the rapid identification and capture of violent criminals .
17 Spectacles or low vision aids may have been prescribed in some cases , and teachers should be informed about this .
18 Though the system has now been modified for some years , local authorities still play a crucial role in the shaping of the local environment by , for example , forecasting the need for roads for travel to work or leisure , and thus plan on the basis of that need Planners seek to influence behaviour , for example , by deciding that particular zones will be devoted to industrial estates , others to shopping centres and residential use in order to harmonise traffic movement and so on .
19 If you can accept this concept , you will then be able to understand in principle why some people are predisposed to some illnesses or tend to be sensitive to certain types of dietary changes , groups of food , or nutritional deficiencies .
20 It came from Tony Morrell , the Hartlepool-based athlete who has been preferred to Cram in the 1500 metres and whose fitness had been queried in some quarters .
21 Some countries — Australia , Fiji , New Guinea , Mexico — are included in some definitions , omitted from others .
22 Thus certain items ( such as building society deposits ) are included in some definitions but not in others .
23 No I did n't Stefan , we 've been blamed for some things in our time , have n't we but
24 After four attempts to elect a Chair of the Ukrainian Council of Ministers , the outgoing holder of the post , Vitaly Masol , was re-elected on June 28 , despite having been blamed by some deputies during the election debate for the Ukraine 's current economic problems .
25 Alternate day prednisone was not often used , even though such treatment has been recommended by some gastroenterologists as routine maintenance treatment of Crohn 's disease .
26 Transfers between degree courses are permitted in some circumstances , eg from the MPhil or MLitt to the PhD , or from the MSc or the Diploma to MPhil or PhD .
27 The statement on value added has been reported in some cases .
28 Increased rates of spinal bone loss have been reported in some patients and the average spinal bone loss was 3%/yr .
29 She and her friend Sharon have been pursued by some boys , who are taunting Carol to take her clothes off .
30 For some roles , younger people are deemed by some quarters as more suitable , just as in the theatre a certain role will require a certain age range to portray it .
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