Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] be [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Redefinitions of chronology are claimed to be part of the process of improvement of understanding , but may as easily be viewed as an infinite series of alternatives none of which are demonstrably correct unless they are somehow related to the reality of the society in question .
2 Industry guru Marc Schulman has left UBS Securities to set up his own consulting operation , The Technology Strategies Group , whose primary customers are expected to be computer industry managers from both the hardware and software side .
3 Tribromoethanol has been reported to be irritant to the viscera of mice and this can cause intestinal problems and death .
4 In February the Interior Minister , Col. Djibril Ould Abdullah , who had generally been considered to be second in the political hierarchy and had been involved in 1986 in the vigorous suppression of unrest among black Mauritanians , was dismissed and replaced by Col. Mohammed Sidina Ould Sidya , a southerner [ see p. 37239 ] .
5 In Western civilization this has generally been considered to be Christianity , as this is the religion which has most powerfully moulded the values and beliefs on which society is based , just as in a Muslim country for example the religion to be handed on would be Islam .
6 Much of what has been considered to be poststructuralism 's wild disregard for history can be accounted for by the fact that it was operating within this — largely unknown outside France — anti-empiricist and anti-positivist tradition .
7 Thus , although the monies received are capital in nature they are deemed to be income for the purposes of giving the taxpayer deductions and reliefs and they are charged under Case VI of Schedule D. Thus , for instance , the remittance basis would not be applicable although there is no reason why general principles should not be applicable so that income arising overseas and received by a non-resident would not be chargeable under general principles whilst income arising in the United Kingdom could be chargeable under general principles regardless of who it is paid to .
8 The receipt of bulk payments from the legal aid board may include amounts in respect of unpaid professional disbursements ( which under the SAR are deemed to be client money ) , which it may be impracticable to split into office and client accounts immediately .
9 At Midland , we are committed to being market leaders in the provision of quality money transmission services .
10 Co-operatives , however , are not dealt with by the Act because co-operatives are considered to be part of the socialist economy and rights of members constitute a peculiar socialist form of property .
11 Hyperpepsinogenaemia I has been claimed to be marker for the DU diathesis .
12 When the General Commissioners reviewed the facts , they had regarded three matters as important : first , that the storage racking was bolted to the floor for safety purposes — the Commissioners took the view that there was no distinction between the racking ( which was plant ) and the platform ; second , that members of the public were rarely admitted to the platform which was essentially for storage ; and , third , that , although the platforms were large , there were cases where very large structures had been deemed to be plant .
13 What we are looking for is evidence of imagination , lateral thinking and the designer 's ability to solve technical problems .
14 The believe that what women are looking for is sensitivity , though they also say that women are looking for funloving men .
15 The benefits , like those of meditation , are said to be stress reduction , improved memory , increased creativity , expanded awareness and better problem-solving .
16 Similarly , the child fixated at the anal stage will develop an ‘ anal character ’ , whose most marked traits are said to be orderliness , parsimony and obstinacy .
17 Kloska 's findings echo those in other research ( e.g. Docking 1980 , Dunham 1977 , Kyriacou and Sutcliffe 1981 ) which record an increasing sense of occupational stress of which the predominant sources are said to be classroom control and pupil misbehaviour .
18 Two subjects at the same level in the hierarchy ( for example , both subdivisions of the same parent or superordinate subject ) are said to be coordinate .
19 So we know what sort of times we 're expected to be sort of selling raffle tickets and
20 A lot of girls end up promiscuous , when all they 're looking for is friendship .
21 It 's just that what we 're going to be doing for the next few weeks means you 're going to have to be very open with me , and Quincx to a degree .
22 ‘ If you have a room which is meant to be a meeting place of all the chief Daleks , and what they 're talking about is power — power over other civilisations , power over other planets — then power and domination is what comes through in the dialogue , and is the feeling behind what you want to create .
23 And in tha in our statement we say , that we are talking about a process which involves both governments , all parties , and what we 're talking about is agreement among the divided people to which all sections can give their loyalty .
24 part you 're not part of this school , we 're meant to be part of the school .
25 If Deane been told to be target man and also lay the ball off for the likes of rodders and Speed then he 's OK this season , but £3 mil for a STRIKER ! !
26 Education and health are alleged to be Labour 's strongest suits .
27 A major contributory cause of many recent accidents has been shown to be management failure ( see Appendix 3 ) .
28 Detailed ultrasound scanning has been shown to be cost effective as it detects most cases of Down 's syndrome as well as other life threatening conditions .
29 The antigen associated with the perinuclear staining pattern ( p-ANCA ) in Wegener 's granulomatosis has been shown to be myeloperoxidase , while the antigen associated with the cytoplasmic staining pattern ( p-ANCA ) in Wegener 's granulomatosis has been shown to be myeloperoxidase , while the antigen associated with the cytoplasmic staining pattern ( c-ANCA ) is a serine proteinase .
30 The antigen associated with the perinuclear staining pattern ( p-ANCA ) in Wegener 's granulomatosis has been shown to be myeloperoxidase , while the antigen associated with the cytoplasmic staining pattern ( p-ANCA ) in Wegener 's granulomatosis has been shown to be myeloperoxidase , while the antigen associated with the cytoplasmic staining pattern ( c-ANCA ) is a serine proteinase .
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