Example sentences of "be [verb] [verb] them [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Even toxic wastes might be reclaimed in this way , provided they are treated to make them safe .
2 But be warned : they may grow tall and leggy — plants are treated to make them short and bushy for one season .
3 Attempts are made to teach them German but in practice it is easier to teach the factory foreman enough Turkish to communicate with them .
4 Where there are third parties who need to be involved in resolving a dispute , expert determination will run into the same problems as multi-party disputes when attempts are made to submit them all to arbitration together : see Mustill and Boyd , pp143-4 .
5 You will actually hold a policy review with your client , I E , you 're going to see them each year at least , but the policy reviews as regards the company are held to make sure there 's enough growth in the client 's funds to sustain all the charges .
6 You 're putting the meal up fifteen percent , and you 're assuming that you 're going to charge them two pounds for the attendance to that centre .
7 You 're going to give them more of a ri , a more of a resource bank , if you like , right to pu pluck these , er these comments from
8 Erm , I 'm suggesting they 're going to call them interim fieldwork reports .
9 No , this is what we 're going to do , we 're going to tidy them all up now quietly
10 And then somebody comes along and says , Oh we 've got a some big order on , we 're got to feed them six thousand flies , in five hours .
11 But they 're having to withdraw them all by next week because of a change in European safety regulations .
12 But I 'm hoping we are going to give them some problems as well . ’
13 You then start worrying about how you are going to pay them all .
14 Or perhaps it proves that women tend to try to be attractive to upstage one another and they completely forget that men are going to find them attractive too . ’
15 If the tissue and organs can be altered to make them acceptable for transplant , who can guarantee that animal diseases will not also adapt and cross the genetic barrier ?
16 Amplifier circuits that oscillate parasitically through accidental positive feedback are said to be unstable and , unless their design can be modified to render them stable , are useless for amplification purposes .
17 But the host computers also had different user interfaces , and students could n't be expected to learn them all .
18 The prize was announced , a retake had to be done to ask them all to look pleased and surprised not just surprised !
19 As for the women , the government seems not to regard them as human beings at all , unless as in the days of the British Empire the fact that they are women can be used to deny them basic rights or torture them in special ways .
20 ‘ I 'm going to treat them all , ’ he vowed yesterday after winning on No 87 in Game 223 .
21 So I said well I Danny rang this morning and he got permission to put the fire on and put them , I 'm going to move them all into the front and erm to air them up .
22 I 'm going to give them another hour and then that 's it — they can all go home .
23 The Pilot Survey showed some monitoring , further standardisation of the equipment was essential , mainly though , I 'm going to make sure all schools have got the same pipes and connector and I 'm going to give them some solutions to test because there was a bit of variation between schools , and there will be variation geographically , so I want to be able to have a measure of any error that will be involved as well .
24 Well , I 'm going to show them real nomes … ’
25 It was he who after a particularly violent disagreement , suggested that Joan should be invited to pay them another visit — though he referred to her as the lady Anne , as had been agreed .
26 Guest lists have swollen beyond recognition , peopled with business colleagues and mere acquaintances : the village hall or a marquee has to be hired to fit them all in .
27 If people were no longer so easily frightened into docility , new ways would have to be found to make them ductile .
28 It is significant that charity law was unable to accommodate the modern contemporary social welfare and recreational trusts that developed in the 1940s and 1950s and legislation had to be passed to deem them charitable , provided the public benefit element was there .
29 They 'd sack the drug-testers , saying : ‘ Steroids are now so widespread that every athlete should be allowed to take them wholesale ! ’
30 And , talking of justice and lobsters , I understand that a court of law recently had to decide whether lobsters were insects or " animals " ( it bore upon whether people should be allowed to boil them alive ) .
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