Example sentences of "be [verb] [verb] into [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An alternative but related statistic , population potential ( Craig , 1972 ) has therefore been developed to take into account the catchment area of population , but once again different spatial units can produce considerable variations in population potential distributions ( Craig , 1974 ) .
2 The following diet is based on the original Trial Diet but has now been amended taking into consideration the observations made by the trial team .
3 The significant fact about both phrase types is that we have two property words — a major one ( the verb ) extended by a minor qualifying one — and they are linked together to form a more complex property before they are permitted to enter into construction with a syntactic object .
4 Concern about the public understanding of science often focuses on those occasions when scientists and the public are seen to come into conflict ; where , for example , scientific research is perceived as hazardous .
5 When we turn from LETTERS to Sabbatical ( 1982 ) , the latter seems almost to have been written to put into practice the theoretical position laid down in ‘ The Literature of Replenishment ’ .
6 Burmans are wanting to go into business more — a little group of Burmese businessmen have formed an industrial corporation ; young Burmans are doing well in the petrol and kerosene retail trade .
7 Well , the book in her own time , produced these eight books of which four we 're going to put into print .
8 GUIL : I ca n't for the life of me see how we 're going to get into conversation .
9 We 're going to peer into space and try to imagine the huge distances involved .
10 you 're waiting to go into assembly
11 Two people you 're bound to come into contact with during pregnancy — and after — are your midwife and your local National Childbirth Trust teacher .
12 The legislation that we 're trying to put into progress , through the cam campaign is obviously gon na take a long time to achieve , so word of mouth is absolutive absolutely vital .
13 So after completing my National Service , I did all the things that everybody does when they 're trying to break into show business , urged on by my father 's insistence that I found employment of some sort — ‘ Get a job , any job , just get one !
14 It has been said , in the first place , that they are used to throw into relief the particular property in the noun phrase which is of interest to the speaker ; that is , that adjectives are used postnominally for the sake of emphasis .
15 As a result local authorities have been requested to take into consideration the following Code of Practice : ‘ Control of Smells from the Animal Waste Processing Industry ’ when contemplating any action they might take in order to reduce odour nuisance , and to be aware of the Reports of the Working Party on the Suppression of Odours from Offensive and Selected Other Trades , which gives guidance on the best practicable means for dealing with odours .
16 I am going to go into town more , on my night off , and just hang around where I 'm told the prostitutes stand .
17 The sample size must be big enough especially if you are going to subdivide into say boys and girls .
18 Having established the ground rules , explain to the children how you will be working — e.g. if you are going to play a role yourself tell the children , and tell them what signals you are going to give to indicate that you are going to move into role .
19 A year or two later , expanding on her analysis , Iris Murdoch dubbed the journalistic novel ‘ loose and cheerful ’ , adding gaily that she was inclined to start writing a novel in the hope that ‘ a lot of people who are not me are going to come into existence in some wonderful way ’ — though frustrated , sometimes , by the prevailing theoretical power of her own philosophical mind .
20 The choices are assessed taking into account disinfection requirements from which products are selected .
21 If you are dismissed with pay in lieu of notice , or without notice , and you obtain new employment during the notice period , you are bound to bring into account those earnings .
22 Of course , Susan thought , the marshal had probably been inspired to get into Enforcement by dreaming Vanessa Vail — by being Vanessa Vail — at an impressionable age .
23 In the past , inventors have been known to rush into print with their new discoveries to prevent the military stepping in and classifying it .
24 MEMBERS of Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg , the Welsh Language Society , say are set to break into Government and Conservative Party offices as part of their campaign for an independent education system in Wales .
25 The emission charges for each pollutant would have to be adjusted to take into account increases in the number of emission sources ( if air quality is not to deteriorate ) and it would have to be adjusted to reflect increases in general price levels .
26 Recent work on adhesion has shown that these classical formulae need to be modified to take into account molecular attraction , which increases the area of contact .
27 The utility that would have been obtained with certainty prior to the union setting its monopoly wage rate must now be modified to take into account the uncertainty that is introduced with the unemployment probability .
28 Answer guide : The main point here to pursue is that the accounting information system ( AIS ) should be designed taking into consideration the environment in which the organization operates .
29 BELVILLE : [ aside ] The girl had good sense and I thought it would be some pleasure to watch by what gradation she might be made to rise into love .
30 This might be thought to throw into disarray our grounds for specifying what animals see , hear , and otherwise sense .
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