Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] [adv prt] for " in BNC.

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1 Today 's ‘ continuous ’ culture processes are designed to go on for months without completely emptying the fermenter .
2 All teachers are reminded to look out for and encourage new potential teachers .
3 All teachers are reminded to look out for and encourage new potential teachers .
4 It is often assumed that employers take advantage of the demand for positions where interesting work , pleasant conditions and a high degree of job satisfaction are reckoned to make up for low pay .
5 However , attempts have been made to make up for this by the development of other devices such as question time , ten-minute rule bills and the practice of asking wide-ranging questions each Thursday when the business for the following week is announced .
6 The Immigration and Customs people at Ramsgate had been instructed to watch out for the Renault 18 but to keep a low profile and let it through .
7 Mm , er what to think , oh I ca n't think of any words , oh we 're going to go off for an interview now anyway .
8 And we 're going to go out for lunch .
9 I think we should have all what we 're going to have in for the bazaar thing , .
10 It 's a fact of life that if you 're in any way well known , then you 're going to come in for criticism .
11 You 'll probably find when you register you 're invited to go along for a new patient medical anyway , and all sorts of things like that .
12 By the way the lot of seemed to be played in Hertfordshire these days , and one of the great days is at Harpenden and that 's on September the first on Sunday , when they have their annual single-wicket competition , and that 's a great local event and it 's bound to encourage all the young cricketers in the neighbourhood , they 're trying to make up for the lack of cricket in schools , so well done Harpenden and that is on Sunday next , er , er , first of September and I 'll give you the time in a minute if I can find it , when it is , it does n't say , but it 's probably all day at the Harpenden club , well done Harpenden encouraging young people to play cricket , Sunday first September .
13 Malcolm , who had been told to look out for him by Steve , was impressed .
14 Staff at the top stores have been told to look out for anyone trying to use the royal cards .
15 Again , currently there is no way , official way , of saying what plan has been made and whether the plan was met and then logging it into whatever system that you guys are going to dream up for recording what training you have given .
16 Company lawyers are not keen on this very good scheme because where damage or loss is suffered by a third party , as for instance where a brake failure results in damage to an airport building , the dissemination of details of the circumstances in which it happened outside the company could prejudice the defence they are going to put up for their airline when the airport puts in a claim for damages .
17 Very big , and also for the West Germans , because they 've got to absorb these sixteen million or so new er citizens and they 've got to pay for them until they pay for themselves , and meanwhile they 've got to carry various international costs , especially payments to Russia for the Russian troops who are going to stay on for three or four years , and pay for them to withdraw and pay to build barracks for them in , in Russia so that they can withdraw .
18 RESTRUCTURING AND RETRENCHMENT ARE beginning to pay off for ICI Fertilizers .
19 If you are aiming to go back for a landing , only stay long enough in that thermal to get properly centred before moving off again down to 1500 feet and starting to look for the next bit of lift .
20 We are invited to sign up for , on the one hand , economic and monetary union and , on the other , political union .
21 Dealers have been alerted to look out for 250 items snatched from an exclusive house in London 's Belgravia .
22 Britain 's docks and airports have been alerted to look out for the suspects .
23 Britain 's docks and airports have been alerted to look out for the suspects .
24 The car , a Sierra , had been stolen on Thursday night from nearby Bilsdale Close and neighbouring forces have been alerted to look out for a stolen blue Ford Orion , registration number H814 FYM , which may also have been used in connection with the incident .
25 — TOP PREMIER League clubs are set to move in for ace North-East star-spotter Peter Kirkley , who has been sacked by Newcastle United .
26 For example , he stumbles into this howler on the question of social security as cash , rather than provision in kind : ‘ Social security benefits have been introduced to make up for the withdrawal of more general provision : examples in the UK are free prescriptions ( introduced because prescription charges were introduced ’ ( my italics ) .
27 ‘ If they all voted to go to Disneyland would ratepayers be expected to cough up for that too ? ’
28 After the Ebro , Catalonia could not be expected to hold on for long , and if Catalonia fell the rest of Republican Spain was likely to follow .
29 ‘ The bright child who might possibly get nine GCSEs is going to be pushed to go in for more and more .
30 As in , I , I ca n't be bothered to go down for like half an hour .
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