Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The remark had been intended to put him in his place , but it had come out sounding peevish and sensitive , as though she actually gave a damn about what he thought of her .
2 Unionist concerns were still as much with traditional areas of disagreement with the Liberals as with the War ; the UBC made the running with its concern to shield British industry from the war , much as it had previously been intended to protect it through tariffs , and Stanley Baldwin first made his name through its committees .
3 As stated a few paragraphs higher , the rules for self-employed pension plans have been altered to bring them in line with other personal pensions .
4 On another occasion , this suspicion might have been calculated to cripple me with a sense of my own worthlessness .
5 So methods have been developed to dissuade you from wandering off to somebody else 's cash register .
6 Caught off guard , in a mellow mood , away-from the pressures that the stance has been developed to shield them from , they too will admit to being disappointed and confused , not as hard-bitten as they make out , and as having found only a very inadequate solution to what seems to be an insoluble problem : how to do a good enough job .
7 He believed the order had been given to kill him by the DO .
8 so he was dead annoyed with it , all week I 've been struggling to get him to bed
9 The courses are aimed at senior management and are intended to provide them with the knowledge and skills to exploit AIT effectively in their business .
10 An existing module in drystone dyking has now been revised to bring it into line with current industrial practices .
11 An Omani doctor had been assigned to accompany us to London .
12 Such rituals and procedures are designed to restore them to their proper place within the people of God and within the inner circle of his blessing .
13 There is , however , no harm at all in professional hypnotic cassettes , which are designed to assist you in overcoming a specific problem where regression is not needed — smoking , studying , pre-menstrual tension and so on .
14 It is a difficult process , since it has to be directed against one 's mental processes , which are designed to protect us from an alien world .
15 Chapters 2 and 3 are designed to help you on both counts .
16 Aerial spraying of the fungicide , which goes under the trade name of " Ronilan " , is now completely outlawed and farmers are forbidden to use it on any crop which is not peeled or shelled .
17 He laughed mirthlessly , despairing of her understanding , ‘ You ca n't expect those who are evicted to see it like that . ’
18 Agencies are given budgets and are expected to use them in the most efficient way possible .
19 More than 27,000 Geordies are expected to will them to victory and avoid a first ever drop into the third division .
20 Her advisers are expected to groom her in adapting her Commons performances at Prime Minister 's question time to television coverage .
21 The sentries had been primed to admit him without challenge , Alexei noted , and as soon as his escort had dismounted a trooper wearing the gorget of a provost came out of the gatehouse and led them away towards the stables .
22 The other member , who might have been expected to buy it for his own son , a young man recently qualified in law , did not at first do so ; he said business was unreliable , there were not enough clients , the reputation of the firm had been allowed to run down .
23 The popularity of Taylor 's devotional books , his sufferings for the Church , his piety , engaging manner , and contacts in influential Royalist circles might have been expected to qualify him for high preferment in the restored Church in 1660 .
24 But to ensure quality dental care at affordable prices , there is a growing number of private plans on the market that have been designed to help you with your dental bills .
25 The film we 're going to see is Flatliners , and Denice tells us she 's been dying to see it for ages .
26 Mr Fitzwater reiterated President Bush 's denial earlier in the day that the United States , which has indicted General Noriega on drug trafficking charges and has been seeking to oust him for nearly two years , had initiated the revolt .
27 I 've been wanting to ask you about Jonas .
28 ‘ I 've been wanting to do it for years . ’
29 ‘ I 've been wanting to introduce you to Edward all evening .
30 ‘ I do n't mind admitting I 've been wanting to meet you for some time . ’
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