Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Some reports also hinted that the Libyan connection had been leaked to coincide with efforts to tie Iran and Syria into the emerging US-led anti-Iraq alliance in the Gulf crisis .
2 The fact that precious metals have so often been minted to serve as coins may serve to emphasize that precious substances are by no means confined to the summits of ecclesiastical or temporal power , even if their most prestigious manifestations were formerly concentrated on these .
3 Indeed , often when it is adopted the final accounts are adjusted to appear as accruals accounts .
4 She toured the Hearing Dogs for the Deaf centre at Lewknor near Oxford where dogs are taught to act as ears for deaf people .
5 Sadly , we are taught to look upon emotions as some kind of social disease .
6 But when hospitals are struggling to stay within budgets such initiatives are not given a high priority .
7 I pushed by a couple of drunks who had just appeared bearing the same bottle of Hirondelle they 'd been using to get into parties all year and made my way upstairs .
8 Many babies are lulled to sleep in cars , but if yours is wakeful and miserable , tapes of music or songs can be useful .
9 The peace plan , which would allow for republics to declare independence , had been amended to allow for republics to form a common state , the economy of which could be organized on non-market lines ; the article granting autonomy to the ( currently Serbian-controlled ) provinces of Kosovo and Vojvodina was deleted .
10 These meetings are intended to act as foci for the exchange of views and information between library staff and users , as well as to assist in library policy making .
11 Positivists believe in the doctrine of determinism : human beings , including criminals , do not act from their own free will but are impelled to act by forces beyond their control .
12 Third , it seems that most adults are predisposed to respond to infants as social beings , and they are prepared to spend a considerable amount of time and energy in establishing a degree of social rapport .
13 In The Form of Living he charts the sacramental understanding at the heart of the Mass , as a whole way of life and perceived growth in consciousness ; his Meditations on the Passion engage with different stages of such growth and , indeed , are designed to act as catalysts for its progress .
14 Entropy measures the expected surprise of a situation , and all these algorithms are designed to search for explanations which make the world appear more coherent and less surprising .
15 Special paints are designed to cope with conditions that ordinary paints will not withstand , or to provide a surface that satisfies a certain need , eg fire retarding or damp-proofing .
16 Throughout the text there are case studies which are designed to illustrate to students the relevance of the subject matter contained in the text .
17 A few are designed to take in aspects of all community specialties , including district nursing , community psychiatric nursing , community mental handicap nursing and health visiting .
18 Meaning postulates are designed to account for truths that hold in all contexts , and are therefore less able to adequately represent such phenomena .
19 Indeed we no longer employ the word with full assurance , or are confident of what we mean by philosophical ‘ materialism ’ , now that we are forbidden to think of atoms as little balls out of which a universe could be constructed ; twentieth century physics has less substantial entities which would slip through one 's fingers .
20 This has implications for the organisation as a whole : ‘ in the rhetoric of the FMI , departments are expected to move from structures based on centralised but separate responsibilities for finance , personnel , policy , executive operations and performance improvement towards structures that decentralise and cluster these responsibilities in ‘ businesses ’ . ’
21 The trouble is that in Britain our women are expected to behave like servants , and we are not used to behaving like servants and we ca n't .
22 In written English , says Deuchar , ‘ a grammatical sentence is expected to begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop and people are expected to write in sentences ’ ( ibid . ) .
23 Women are expected to work on shifts though none like the ‘ unsociable ’ ones .
24 The introduction of the social fund raised issues for bureaux that the IPG was asked to clarify in the information items , thus demonstrating the breadth of understanding that the information writers are expected to have of problems in the field .
25 The company has consistently denied that it allows dangerous emissions but , sirens have been installed to warn of escapes .
26 The portion of the army 's points value which you are permitted to spend on characters includes the value of characters ' armour and weapons , any magic items they have , a steed if they are mounted , a monster if they ride a monster , and a chariot and its crew if they ride a chariot .
27 The points allowance which you are permitted to spend on characters includes the value of their armour and weapons , any magic items they have , and a steed if they are mounted .
28 The points value which you are permitted to spend on characters includes the points paid for champions of regiments .
29 Between 1948 and 1961 des Forges and Harber gave eight records involving about nine birds , and there were 15 more records involving 17 birds up to 1976 , besides a number of reports which have been considered to relate to escapes from collections ; in fact , some of the records included here must be open to this suspicion .
30 By s14(3) a person 's knowledge includes knowledge which he might reasonably have been expected to acquire from facts observable and ascertainable by him or from facts ascertainable by him with the help of medical or other appropriate expert advice which it is reasonable for him to seek .
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