Example sentences of "be [verb] [to-vb] it for " in BNC.

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1 The other member , who might have been expected to buy it for his own son , a young man recently qualified in law , did not at first do so ; he said business was unreliable , there were not enough clients , the reputation of the firm had been allowed to run down .
2 The film we 're going to see is Flatliners , and Denice tells us she 's been dying to see it for ages .
3 ‘ I 've been wanting to do it for years . ’
4 But I ca n't help feeling that this is strictly a US product and that no attempt has been made to localize it for UK or European markets .
5 Scorton does have a playing field , but this is administered by the Parish Council and no application has been made to use it for a finishing point .
6 That product there already either exists or we 're going to do it for the first time for an estate agent
7 ‘ Not if you 're going to use it for lies , propaganda and distortion , ’ said the Press Liaison Officer .
8 Because if we 're going to use it for the ragtime and er
9 A hundred wide , by three it depends what you 're going to use it for .
10 They 're hoping to get it for this being an international airport .
11 Betty 's other criticism of the scheme is that she has been told to use it for individualised learning and she does not believe that the children learn properly this way .
12 The $420m a year that America has been getting to compensate it for the loss in sales of farm products to Spain and Portugal after they joined the Community was due to run out in 1990 .
13 I certainly have not met another Brother or Sister Brush that has been compelled to study it for weeks on end …
14 In many such cases earners of the foreign currency might be expected to exchange it for their own .
15 Mr Jones did n't have the key ; it was kept at the ambulance station , whose staff would be told to lend it for the purpose required .
16 In some circumstances one might seek a maximally parallel version of a program , but it is more likely that one will be attempting to optimise it for a particular configuration .
17 Well there 's no point in me watching it if I 'm going to record it for you .
18 They were allowed to see it for one hour , before it was taken back , and none of them has been able to get hold of it since .
19 Like PEPS everywhere , this was slow to catch on , especially as dealers were forced to sell it for days at a time without getting paid commission for it , so most did n't bother .
20 Welcome back : Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate and urgent action is needed to protect it for future generations .
21 All the women we spoke to agreed that it 's up to the families themselves to fight for their rights and recognition — sadly no one else is going to do it for them .
22 And if you do n't , not prepared to promote yourself , then nobody else is going to do it for you , and this is an ideal way of doing it , at , at fairly minimal cost .
23 I 'd been meaning to do it for days and I keep asking myself whether it was my fault her killer got in . ’
24 And no nasty dream was going to spoil it for her .
25 ‘ Oh Simon ! ’ he said , looking at my face as if he was trying to memorize it for some exam .
26 He had control of Shakespeare 's ‘ time ’ and was determined to milk it for every ounce of potential profit .
27 ‘ The salesman was there four hours , he knew what he was doing , what the job involved and how much he was offering to do it for . ’
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