Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] [prep] one " in BNC.

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1 This is always the case unless the purchase of equipment and other costs are undertaken privately by one or more members of the band .
2 By the day before the completion of sale all the goods in her house had been gathered together in one room downstairs , some packed in wooden crates , some in black leather cases and tapestry bags , some still living free .
3 If you 've never seen the Tan Hill on a bleary winter 's day when winds are driving wet sleet over the hellhole of Sleightholme Moor and the sky and the land are welded together in one sullen , sodden grey , then you 've missed a treat .
4 Previously they had been grouped together in one modern frame .
5 She was about to replace it when she noticed that the satin lining in the bottom of the case had been torn away from one edge , and stitched back into place with large clumsy stitches .
6 Only problems were that one of them had had been snapped off at the legs and been reglued direct to the base , presumably in an effort to replicate Bremner 's short stature , and also in an effort to simulate Albert Johanneson ( or was it Gerry ? ? ) brown paint had been splurged all over one player , rendering his kit a mucky pink .
7 Chapman 's famous translation of Homer , which sent Keats into ecstasies , is in twenty-four books , but they are contained comfortably in one folio volume .
8 The Revenue treat the separation as likely to be permanent if the parties have been living apart for one year ( Pinson on Revenue Law , 17th edn , para 38 – 04 ) .
9 In Kennedy v. Broun ( 1863 ) 13 C.B. 677 ( Common Pleas ) Erle C.J. said that in Lampleigh v. Brathwait , ‘ it was assumed that the journeys which the plaintiff performed at the request of the defendant , and the other services he rendered , would have been sufficient to make any promise binding if it had been connected therewith in one contract ; the peculiarity of the decision lies in connecting a subsequent promise with a prior consideration after it had been executed .
10 If you are passing slightly to one side of the DF facility , and there is a response to your transmission on the operator 's screen , the " blip " would be changing position .
11 In this perfect market , with no transport costs , it does not matter whether or not goods are transferred directly from one division to another .
12 These were established in 1948 and awards are made biennially to one or more candidates over a one or two year period .
13 Borland is attacking the same problem with its WINDOS concept , under which the Windows and DOS versions of Quattro Pro are sold together in one box .
14 If two sponges are growing close to one another , they may , as they grow , come into contact and eventually merge into one huge organism .
15 In this study the overall need for reinsertion may have been higher , particularly in the no surgery group , than if bilateral tubes had been used instead of one tube .
16 He studied each of the corpses , noting how the rope had been tied firmly behind one ear .
17 You ask the first question , and within moments six people are disagreeing vehemently with one another in Greek , breaking off to explain courteously in English what each thinks the answer should be , and then disagreeing with equal passion in English .
18 We 've currently been allocated just over one point three million from the housing corporation which represents about forty one percent of the money that we need to do the scheme .
19 This accusation had been set temporarily to one side after the discovery of the Phillips curve and its subsequent absorption into income-expenditure models .
20 Too often it 's a game where the rules are known only to one side .
21 Sarah Clarke , who has been burgled twice in one year , also feels much more vulnerable .
22 S at 3.21A ) link the molecules together in polymeric chains and the molecules are slipped sideways over one another such that the ‘ right-hand end ’ of one molecule overlaps the ‘ left-hand end ’ of the next one .
23 Fascinating because it has been brought together by one of Britain 's leading painters ( although Hodgkin denies that the bright colours and strong forms employed by the Mughal period artists have influenced his art ) it is also an important entity in its own right .
24 Any group can make a bid and will be considered seriously , but assistance will be given only for one management — employee buy-out team per company .
25 Fold-up furniture can either be stacked neatly in one place , hung from a large hook on a wall or stashed away out of sight when it is n't in use .
26 First we should ask whether it is necessary to popular participation that all should be gathered together at one time in one place .
27 Apart , then , from those for whom the virtue of representative democracy is precisely that it restricts and restrains popular power , and even , as in Britain , involves the vesting of sovereignty in the representative institutions rather than in the people themselves the chief argument in defence of representative democracy has been an essentially pragmatic one : that it is the best that can be devised in the context of large societies where the citizens are too many and too scattered to be gathered together in one place .
28 All expertise in a particular technique or on a certain topic can be gathered together in one place , and the level of collective knowledge can then be ascertained , supported and made available .
29 It insists upon lumping the whole of reality together as a single ‘ thing ’ or ‘ system ’ like a body , rather than recognising that it is more a collection of different things , a network of interrelated but separate systems , animate and inanimate , that can not be welded together into one ‘ thing ’ .
30 It was normal for pairs of waggon doors to face each other on opposite side walls of the barn ( Plate 2 ) , but in some barns the threshing floor could be approached only from one side , there being a blank wall opposite .
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