Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Such a clause does not relieve the parties from the obligation to register a registrable sale agreement , it merely suspends the operation of the relevant restrictions until particulars of the agreement have been furnished to the OFT .
2 The bedrooms are furnished to a very high standard , all are en suite , one has a four-poster bed , another a half-tester .
3 The panels cast a dreamy light in the rooms — which are furnished in the most sparse manner with stone floors , white beds and the odd piece of exquisite antique glass .
4 Its attempt to make farmers pay for the pollution they caused had been overturned by the environmentally primitive MAFF .
5 However , even if 10 years ' worth of rights from an old company pension scheme are commuted to no more than two years ' worth in your new one , it could still be worth accepting , particularly if your new job is likely to produce rapid pay rises .
6 In consequence of its importance as a relic of local industrial archaeology , the mill has been listed as a building of architectural or historic interest ( Grade II ) , a status which has not been jeopardised by the very careful treatment of the building by its present owners in their continuing programme of conversion and conservation .
7 The aristocracy — ie. titled landowners — do still exist and have been joined by the very wealthy ( through ownership or investment ) : it has been reckoned that this 1% of adult population owns one-quarter of all the wealth in Britain .
8 However , the AIB inspectors always try to be helpful and provide the coroner with the basic information he needs to establish the cause of death , but nonetheless , they sometimes get little thanks for the efforts they make to assist the coroner and sometimes they are treated in a rather off-hand manner .
9 The perceptual side of the Umwelt has received less attention than the motor aspect , the study of animal perception ( as opposed to sensory physiology or discriminative behaviour ) having been inhabited by the explicitly anti-mentalistic bias of behaviourism .
10 Paisley 's whole career has been distinguished by a finely developed sense of symbolism and an event like the imprisonment was not to be wasted .
11 You are drawing upon a more ancient and powerful source of memory than me , or Huxley , or the boys , his sons , Christian and Steven — and God alone knows what happened to them . ’
12 With the passing of the FSA 1986 regulation has been placed on a far more formal rule-orientated basis than previously .
13 It may be that in New South Wales , Category 3 , which carries the seven-year penalty , has been constructed too broadly and that some conduct which it covers should have been placed within the more serious categories .
14 To some degree , the MDC has been placed in a particularly onerous position because of its having to compete for industrial and commercial investment with surrounding new towns and the local enterprise zone and Freeport .
15 They also tend to remain positive for a very long time , if not indefinitely , unless the infection has been treated in the very early stages .
16 My — though not necessarily her — interpretation of this observation leads me to ask whether in fact the capacity to show LTP might not be a purely artefactual phenomenon , which occurs only in animals which have been reared in the highly restricted environment of a research laboratory ?
17 In these activities , the ‘ players ’ are joined by a very large number of other people and organisations , each seeking an audience for their comments :
18 Restrictive practices concerned with crewing nationality are to continue for the most part until the end of the century .
19 It is especially useful if you are knitting with a very soft yarn which breaks easily or with a yarn which has no stretch .
20 The cheeses are matured in a specially constructed humid cellar for 2½–3 months , during which time they lose a further 225–325g/8–12oz in weight and develop a mould or rind beneath the muslin .
21 The chances are that her shock has been compounded by an unexpectedly extreme reaction .
22 The processor 's A , B , C , D , E , F , H , and L registers are initialised to the least significant words of A% , B% , C% , D% , E% , F% , H% , and L% respectively ( see also USR ) .
23 Prior to calling the subroutine , The processor 's A , B , C , D , E , F , H and L registers are initialised to the least significant words of A% , B% , C% , D% , E% , F% , H% and L% respectively ( see also CALL ) .
24 It 's been arranged for a very long time . ’
25 This suggests that such firms are reacting on a more ad hoc basis to pressure in the market , the report says .
26 It was built in 1960 and the original leather interior has been re-upholstered in a rather fetching magenta ( plum colour to you non-artistic types ) Dralon .
27 High-precision and high-resolution geochemical mapping have been developed to a very high standard by BGS .
28 Regional geochemical studies , including high-precision and high-resolution geochemical mapping , have been developed to a very high standard by the BGS .
29 It 's great to see how the prototype has been developed into a commercially viable design .
30 Now the estate is in the hands of Dr Douglas Wise and Coldingham Loch has been developed into a very attractive fishery .
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