Example sentences of "be [verb] [noun sg] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 This is to say that linguistic ( as well as social ) activities become significant because they are given significance by all participants — not only the " speaker " .
2 Erm in short Adam had been given erm lordship over the earth and all its creatures and with that he 'd been given lordship over all human beings and the kings of this earth have inherited that lordship , that dominion .
3 In some circumstances , the course of the trial will be such that a witness whose affidavit has been received will after all be required to attend for cross-examination ; this applies no less to witnesses abroad as to those within the jurisdiction .
4 Working towards achieving the certificate will ensure that you are gaining experience in all the areas necessary to work within a specific sector of the freight industry .
5 But in essence we 're selling advertising to all of those products .
6 ‘ As you are fully aware , we have been promised delivery of all the office equipment on the fifth , two days from now .
7 If United are to avoid relegation against all the odds , they 'll need more performances like this 5-2 win over fellow strugglers Newcastle , a result which prompted the Tynesiders to sack the manager and call for Kevin Keegan .
8 Doreen Copas had to be reminded that she had been teaching Medau for all of 25 years by her Herts and Cambs colleagues and class members ; they presented her with a generous gift of garden tokens on the occasion of the Westhampstead Rally .
9 ‘ Have you been attending school at all ? ’
10 More specifically , Hocevar requested that Yugoslavs should be given joint-responsibility for all camps which included surrendered Yugoslav nationals .
11 If it is seen as part of control over quality of education , the parent might ask why the child should be given access at all .
12 This means that staff from this group will be given priority over all others when the time comes to filling Council Tax posts or selecting staff for ‘ acting-up ’ duties .
13 I want to fight the best people and to be given respect for all the hard work I 've put into boxing , particularly in the gym . ’
14 That way the syncro system will be pumping power to all four bits of rubber as you throw yourself into corners with all the wild confidence of a kiddie in a bouncy castle .
15 Applicants holding GCE A-level passes of sufficiently high standard in appropriate subjects may be offered exemption from all or part of the first year of most honours degree courses ; indeed such opportunities may also be available to applicants offering other qualifications .
16 Some have therefore concluded that behaviour in this category can not be termed altruism at all .
17 I was obviously disappointed not to be taking part in all the action .
18 Activity being very much the name of the game , students will be taking part in all sorts of sponsored events from running , wheeling and walking , to cycling , chess , swimming , badminton , singing and even knitting .
19 Whether the tour ( which overrides a ban on loans in Barnes 's will and was shepherded through the courts by the National Gallery 's director emeritus , J. Carter Brown , and the wealthy collector Walter Annenberg ; see The Art Newspaper No. 15 , February 1992 , p.1 ) should be taking place at all remains a matter of debate .
20 The problem , of course , would be reaching agreement with all parties concerned , as to which events , other than the four Grand Slams , would be included .
21 Now 31 , Foster is fortunate to be playing cricket at all after several knee operations , the most recent of which forced him to miss a slice of last season and the start of The possibility of his breaking down at any time can not be ignored and neither can his undistinguished international record at Lord 's .
22 We will set ourselves the objective of increasing the degree of consonance still further , and therefore the bass will be kept consonant with all upper parts : Though the effect of this is quite good , indeed smooth and sonorous , the concept of using a bass consonant with all upper parts has produced chords which are either diminished 7ths ( chord 1 ) or contain major or minor chords .
23 It was possible , however , for a member of the House of Orange ( the descendants of William the Silent , the leader of the struggle for independence against Spain in the later sixteenth century ) to be elected Stadtholder of all or most of the provinces and thus attain the position of General Stadtholder of the federation .
24 Yeah , no , if you , if you 're supporting it colleague , we 've not been taking support in all , all week and indeed I know how important it is and we 'll , pardon ?
25 We are making progress after all ! ’
26 She could feel it , thick and cold in her chest , like something she 'd swallowed ; as if before she had n't been breathing air at all .
27 Elizabeth Addams lived next door , Thomas Addams was still at work in his smith 's shop , Thomas Burge had taken over as the Bristol carrier , and the Clement family were producing cloth for all they were worth in workshops at the end of the street .
28 Dr Norris said the doctors were demanding protection for all health care ‘ homicide ’ .
29 The anti-terrorist department of Scotland Yard , SO13 , were maintaining surveillance on all terrorists known to have links with Kamalia .
30 Well you see it may be important where the information came from , you did n't get it from the cards , you say you were getting information from all directions .
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