Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] and the " in BNC.

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1 Various difficulties in devising formula budgeting for schools are pointed to and the implications of the scheme for school governors and the employment of teachers are discussed .
2 After coming back from doing his stint , he discovered that his dressing room had been broken into and the telly nicked .
3 Councillor Community Environmental Services Committee are responsible for the large number of partnerships , social partnerships , with big business that the Labour Group are bringing to and the reason the Percent for Art was on that Committee was to link in to that er those those partnerships ' proposals .
4 What we are endeavouring to and the company has not as yet went out and dispersed of apprentices willy-nilly .
5 The length of time spent stretching depends on the sport you are training for and the degree of flexibility you wish to attain .
6 Even with minerals and lost objects we have a reasonably clear idea of what we are looking for and the dowser can be proved right or wrong .
7 How do we evaluate the range of objectives that we are looking at and the range of outcome dimensions ?
8 If they have n't remained constant over our sampling period , right , then there 's no point in making our sample predictions , alright , we 've got to have at least the confidence that our model is re relatively stable over our small sample , right , in order to make any sort of predictions about the behaviour of the dependent variable that we are looking at and the parameter of interest out of sample more often than not when we have parameter instability that does n't always signal a change in government policy , it often signals the fact that you 've got a very poor model , a model er is mis-specified and so if we detect a structural change in our model , we first of all try and explain why it may come about
9 Can I just make the point of clarification in what said there , that as far as staffing additional works spread through for example we are assuming that staff costs are within the figures you are looking at and the the work that was referring to was was after you made your decision to will need to take some element of that cost into the start of the budget there is no staff figures that would occur after you 've formalised this budget we are not aware of so there there will be .
10 A comprehensive survey is carried out on screen as to the makeup of the building , what the floors are made of and the dimensions of each room .
11 In all these matters the more you know about the media and the more you know about what they 're looking for and the more you know about techniques and the more you can develop things , the greater the possibilities are and the greater the opportunities .
12 Each consultant has it 's ow er his or her her own unique number , so does the assignment , we list the position , the advertiser 's name in brief , the practice we 're working at and the town .
13 C — Closed : The contents of the SPR have now been acted upon and the problem has either been fixed , or cleared for some other reason , for example the problem did not really exist at all , or there was a misunderstanding on the part of the originator .
14 C — Closed The contents of the SPR have now been acted upon and the problem has either been fixed , or cleared for some other reason , for example the problem did not really exist at all , or there was a misunderstanding on the part of the originator .
15 C — Closed — The contents of the SPR have now been acted upon and the problem has either been fixed , or cleared for some other reason , for example the problem did not really exist at all , or there was a misunderstanding on the part of the originator .
16 There was the beer keg I 'd been tied to and the length of wire I 'd probably been tied with lay on the floor .
17 my vocation — the work , ministry , roles I am called to and the gifts I have been given for these .
18 When buying by mail order , keep a copy of the details relating to both the company you are buying from and the item .
19 When buying by mail order , keep a copy of the details relating to both the company you are buying from and the item .
20 In the particular case the Treaty had not yet been entered into and the Courts would not interfere with the course of treaty negotiations .
21 The whole anthem affair has been dealt with and the minute 's silence at Newlands went some way to repairing the damage of Ellis Park .
22 The case is not untypical in that the Convention points seem to fall to be considered only after the case has been dealt with and the deficiencies of the process have been revealed .
23 The debate which deals with these matters will be referred to and the conceptual apparatus which has been developed in that debate will be used where appropriate .
24 Firstly , that approval be given to and the County Surveyor be authorized to implement the traffic calming scheme as shown on drawing numbers , the drawing numbers are right , and secondly , that the traffic regulation order be made as advertised .
25 In the event of both protagonists in a conflict being identifiable with the wrong — that is , with the parental — values , the protagonist who most closely approximates to them will be protested against and the other , no matter how objectively wrong they may be , will be totally vindicated and absolutely right .
26 I understand there are problems er but as a general principle it does seem to me that it 's something that needs to be looked at and the minister has said that a lot of these matters will be dealt with by a statement of practice and er he was asked by the honourable gentleman , the member for South Hams I think , er er er what the status of er these people were .
27 He said : ‘ The Touche Ross fees should be looked at and the whole local government reform plans should be abandoned . ’
28 She had dreaded the moment when the food would be done with and the others would get up to dance , leaving her on her own at the table .
29 Similarly the range of tasks for which the device is required may not be known in the kind of detail which is available from comprehensive task descriptions but the designer will consider the extremes of what it is likely to be used for and the environment in which it will be used , for example designing a machine-tool for use in a factory has different requirements from designing a powered garden tool where the user could be wearing heavy gloves , will not be wearing safety-boots and will not receive any formal training .
30 No correspondence can be entered into and the judges ' decision is final .
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