Example sentences of "be [verb] [prep] all the " in BNC.

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1 Those who have been filled with all the previous beatitudes of Christ now overflow in mercy to those around them .
2 Since Ralph de Faye was a member of the house of the Viscounts of Cha tellerault this means that with the one exception of the Viscount of Thouars — who had earlier suffered badly as the result of a quarrel with Eleanor — she had been joined by all the leading barons of Poitou and the Angoumois .
3 Now er sure the programme has been delayed for all the reasons I I 've mentioned .
4 During this same period a far wider survey had been undertaken of all the fifty-nine party cells in the Poltava guberniia .
5 A great deal of evidence has been given by all the associations concerned , and the Select Committee report was published in January 1989 .
6 I say planned and agreed , because , as my hon. Friend the Minister knows , more than one public inquiry has taken place and the go-ahead has been given after all the proper formalities have been gone through .
7 Important loans have been trawled from all the major international collections .
8 Definitely conforming to the notion of a great , late period , these works , executed in Venice , Switzerland , the Italian Lakes and elsewhere , are painted with all the power and expression of the late oils .
9 Complete has now been listed by all the major supermarkets and sales have built steadily .
10 Our success in attracting more investment from the United States than has been attracted by all the countries of western Europe put together is proof that we have created a more attractive climate for investment than anywhere else in Europe .
11 Our Christmas party sweaters for big and little girls are scattered with all the motifs of the season and what could be more delightful than Wendy Phillips ' teddies , kissing under the mistletoe ?
12 Rita May ( Mrs Archer ) , whose husband died very suddenly , has been grappling with all the problems of being now on her own after forty years of happy marriage , the last 20 of which were spent at Failand near Bristol , only a short distance from the former family home of Somerville 's Margery Fry .
13 I shall ensure that their names are added to all the complaints that I have been making .
14 The knowledge explosion means what it implies ; the task of producing a scheme that would really satisfy all needs , and avoid the criticisms which had very rightly been levied at all the previous schemes , was enormous .
15 ‘ We are looking into all the possibilities . ’
16 Furthermore , nothing has yet been said about all the research that does not depend on the collection of data by the sociologist ( primary data ) but instead makes use of secondary data — the wealth of material already available from other sources , such as government statistics , personal diaries , newspapers , and other kinds of information .
17 With the exception of the higher rate of SSP to which I have already referred , this has been applied to all the relevant main benefits rates — notably retirement pensions , war pensions , widows ' pensions , invalidity benefit , severe disablement allowance , the disability living allowance rates equivalent to the present mobility and attendance allowances , invalid care allowance , industrial injuries benefits , and the national insurance benefits for unemployment , sickness and maternity .
18 I am particularly encouraged by the references to better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists , and to see that routes for them have been incorporated into all the major development sites where appropriate — and indeed given some prominence in the site maps .
19 We have now examined into Master Hussey 's means , and we are satisfied , ’ said the prince , very gravely and courteously , ‘ that even though no exact inventory has yet been made of all the property passing to you , Master Hussey , by your uncle 's will , yet you have certainly acquired assets which must be disposable , and of such a nature as to be very readily disposable .
20 We have taken all reasonable and proper steps to ensure that proper arrangements have been made for all the holidays which are advertised in this brochure and for excursions as described above and that the suppliers of the various services which will be provided to you as part of the inclusive holiday are efficient , safe and reputable businesses , and that they comply with the local and national laws and regulations of the country in which they provide those services .
21 This standard model , a close-knit set of theories similar in form , is in excellent agreement with all the measurements that have been made in all the world 's particle accelerators .
22 Another apology has been made in all the charter proposals for public services .
23 They are featured in all the books but , like Myxobolus .
24 Typically a business 's back of order terms of supply are applied to all the business 's contracts of supply .
25 More and more these days the demands are made on all the individuals within an organisation as resources shrink and the drive for quality mounts .
26 right , so , he is there as er Jean er has read to us , seated at the , at the father 's right hand , he 's there on the throne , but Paul also says , talks about erm in the last verse there which is his body the fullness of , the fullness of him through Jesus who feels all in all , by the holy spirit although the glorified resurrected body of Jesus is on the throne , by the holy spirit he is everywhere , that 's why he 's with you and he 's with me and he 's with a folk in Timbuktu and in Honolulu , he is every where by the holy spirit , so now thinking of his exhortation again , as the God man , Jesus now fully and always makes use of the divine powers and attributes that are his , all power belongs to him and it 's because that he says to his disciples you 're to go into all the world and I am with you because all power is mine , all power , all authority is given onto me , therefore says Jesus , because of that you can go because you 're going in my strength and in my authority .
27 walk in like that and you 're looking at all the things in the shop not where
28 I think they 're looking at all the
29 I think if you 're seen at all the wedding fairs no good just going to one wedding fair .
30 so I followed her and of course , we 're going past all the blooming classrooms !
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