Example sentences of "be [verb] [pn reflx] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 His rousing address finished with the exciting claim that ‘ IBM has been transforming itself into a solutions company ’ .
2 The build up to the next Olympic games believe it or not is already underway … and our Friday Feature this week comes from Milton Keynes where Britain 's ice skaters have been launching themselves into the challenge of gold
3 If you 're lying in bed trying to go to sleep and you 're screwing yourself into a ball of self-disgust , you 're gon na find the sheets get colder and your limbs get stiffer , and if you do n't break the mood you 'd be better out of bed .
4 You 're working yourself into a state .
5 Campese , scorer of a record 51 Test tries , the most recent against Ireland last weekend , had second thoughts about taking his World Cup winners ' medal into retirement , despite his claim that rugby players are running themselves into the ground .
6 She had not stopped to think that she might be inserting herself into a social scene that she had walked away from when she had left home .
7 My aim would be to fit myself into the game unobtrusively …
8 To crush strikes and abandon political reform would be to throw himself into the arms of those groups wedded not just to authoritarian politics but to neo-Stalinist economic institutions and principles .
9 ‘ We are talking ourselves into a fine slough !
10 To the rapid , repetitive beat two glistening bodies were contorting themselves into an impossible position , their backs horizontal to the floor and no more than a foot from it .
11 With their assistance , gears and warped carburettor components and portions of armour major and minor were assembling themselves into an enormous baroque weapon .
12 You were getting yourself into a whole load of trouble , Fran , and I needed to ensure that there would be someone around to look after you when I could n't be .
13 Ironically , it ended just as the Giants were putting themselves into the play-off hunt with a 27–7 victory over the Green Bay Packers for their third straight win .
14 This may seem an unorthodox way of assuring management succession but then MB Group has been rearranging itself into a new structure for the future .
15 Milpitas , California-based , LSI Logic Corp is catapulting itself into the X terminal market introducing the RISC-based Racer X Board , which allows OEMs to build monochrome or colour X-terminals based on the MIPS Computer Systems Inc R3000 RISC .
16 With more emphasis on household products , does this mean that Marks and Spencer is turning itself into a supermarket ?
17 ‘ It seems he 's elevated himself into the big league these past four years .
18 British Gas since privatization , and I think rightly so , and understandably , has had a defence policy against this government , and that defence policy is to turn itself into a multi-national energy supplier .
19 THE Friends of Thatcherism are working themselves into a fine old lather about the interview given by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the magazine Director .
20 The fourth man had abandoned their horses to his wounded companion and was launching himself into the fray .
21 He needed , essentially , to become a Freeman of the City of London — and the most direct route for him , considering he had served no appropriate apprenticeship , was to buy himself into a livery company first .
22 Two young women were in the room ; one was reading a magazine , the other was stuffing herself into a tight corset of black vinyl that appeared to be a part of a stylised nun 's costume .
23 Instead I was getting myself into an increasingly confrontational situation , a battle of wills , with the Director of Coaching .
24 Patrick did n't need to be a doctor to know that his mother was drinking herself into an early grave .
25 The last thing he wanted was to turn himself into a do-gooder , but he realized very quickly that most of the volunteers were genuinely and sincerely opening their hearts and homes .
26 This body was to turn itself into the Labour Party in 1906 .
27 Then I realized he was putting himself into the part .
28 She looked round swiftly to check whether the others had seen him but Conrad was pouring wine and chattering , Philippa was settling herself into the crimson beanbag , Larry was moving around in the kitchen , John was sipping his drink and testing out her rocking-chair and the lad with the twisted arm was hovering , uncomfortably .
29 Doug was throwing himself into the part with relish .
30 I could see at once he was working himself into a panic about it all .
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