Example sentences of "be [verb] [pn reflx] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ever since the elections they have been revealing themselves as the neo-Nazis that they really are , ’ he said .
2 I am opening myself as a channel to the Light . ’
3 The impact of that on Leeds residents perception of the migration opportunities is quite different quite different from a new settlement on a very accessible corridor which would have to be promoted and would have to be built quickly to be to present itself as a successful venture .
4 However , my secretary , ex-pupil Peter Vroomking , was to have provided me with a typed list , which has not materialised … on the other hand , Peter has recently been discovering himself as a human being … and I am sure those of you who are still here will wish to join me in congratulating … could somebody stop that door banging ?
5 Therefore , the enquirer who is using himself as a research instrument needs to be as aware as possible and committed to becoming more aware of his own biases , values and his reasons for holding the conceptual framework he does .
6 This implies that the vendor is representing itself as an insurer whereas the real claim is the full value of the damages suffered by the breach of contract ; ( d ) ensuring the purchaser acknowledges it has not relied on any representation other than those incorporated in the sale agreement and that it shall not have any right to rescind the sale agreement .
7 UTV and Channel 4 now have their own separate sales arrangements in Dublin , and UTV is pushing itself as an all-Ireland TV medium .
8 China 's Gansu Institute for Natural Energy , the only institute permitted by Chinese authorities to design solar energy equipment , is establishing itself as a training centre for solar energy technicians from African countries .
9 In 1983 gas , coal and nuclear power accounted for 16% , 9% and 1% respectively of energy demand and it is gas which is establishing itself as the most significant oil alternative .
10 In bringing the case , the Turkish government is presenting itself as a great ally of archaeologists .
11 Now it is selling itself as the natural arena for developing companies in the new Länder .
12 The UK 's Ampersand Systems Ltd , Bristol , is re-launching itself as the Open Systems Centre , and as has picked up IBM 's RS/6000 to market .
13 After being on the receiving end of the challenge which brought Marsh 's late dismissal , he allowed Piatnitski to complete a night which showed the strides the home side must make if it is to re-establish itself as a European force .
14 Inglewood , California-based Locus Computing Corp is attempting to raise its European profile , and is re-positioning itself as a specialist distributed computing consultancy , design , development and services outfit .
15 She 's established herself as a writer with award winning novels including ’ I 'm the King of the Castle ’ and ’ Woman in Black ’ but Mrs de Winter has come in for criticism .
16 BODO 'S EPIC misinterpretation of my failure at Lani 's established itself as the authorized version of events .
17 One client referred for counselling eventually admitted that she was starving herself as a way of preventing conception ; she did not want another child , but her husband had pressurised her to become pregnant .
18 He decided that the only way to avoid spending the rest of his life in the workhouse was to exhibit himself as a freak , and so he offered himself to Sam Torr , who ran a music-hall , the Gaiety Palace of Varieties .
19 Essentially he was establishing himself as a figure of imperial stature , as his gold coinage reveals .
20 So he resorted to an old favourite , which was to imagine himself as a First World War fighter ace engaged in an aerial duel with an enemy pilot .
21 Without a word , the nun ushered them through the broad , thick oak door and into a tiled hall , there to be confronted by a statue of the Virgin Mary with the Child in her arms , and above her , on the wall , a large crucifix hanging at such an angle it appeared that Christ 's bent head was viewing Himself as a child in His mother 's arms .
22 With Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa established as the standard-bearer of the Democratic Party 's liberal wing in the nomination race , Clinton 's strategy , like that of Bob Kerrey , was to present himself as a " new " alternative offering change from the party 's past ( see p. 38427 ) .
23 The music by which he frequently composed his poetry ( a natural continuance of a centuries-old tradition ) was asserting itself as an independent expression .
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