Example sentences of "be [noun] for the same " in BNC.

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1 The risk with other-name information is obvious : a lender knowing that Mr Brown and Mr Robinson have dreadful debt records but that apparently Mr Smith at the same address does not , might suspect that all three are aliases for the same person , or at best members of the same disreputable household , and so may refuse Mr Smith credit — even if in real life all three are quite unconnected .
2 And because there were too many royal presentees for efficient records to be kept , it was not unknown for two royal clerks to be rivals for the same living .
3 These observations differ from earlier findings in which scid mice were host for the same TCR -β transgene .
4 There is competition for the same promising children , and it is a difficult decision for any parent to make a choice against the governing body of the sport .
5 One source is competition for the same neural mechanisms of motor ( including verbal ) output .
6 Members of one 's own species are competitors for the same resources , to a much more detailed extent , than members of other species .
7 The different species of trees are not all making their livings in exactly the same way , but as far as the particular race we are talking about is concerned — the race for the sunlight above the canopy — they are competitors for the same resource .
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