Example sentences of "be [noun] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Am hour later the Emperor 's coach passed the corpse , disturbing the flies which had been crawling over the dead Lieutenant 's face and laying their eggs in his blood-filled mouth and nostrils .
2 This is a fundamental point because if they are merely to be ombudsmen then the emphasis of ensuring regulations have been adhered to and best advice proffered rests in the first instance heavily upon the customer , and it is up to the customer to complain .
3 We tested this out by taking it around the office and the people in the office thought it was a bit boring we er thought it was great for the youngsters who probably like it so er erm and the merchandise we 've actually , we 've made up certain things , T-shirts and , and , and wacky items that again er relate to , to young people so that they get into the , the , the theme of the thing and the , the whole year carries forward on a , on a certain colour theme and , and , and so on , so er we 've done our best as sailing coaches not only learning to be marketeers again the money , where 's the money come from ?
4 As a guide , gas central heating , water heaters and fires hould be services once a year .
5 Nor , in occupational terms , are men always the police officers and lawyers while women are always the nurses and the social workers .
6 Ought there , in other words , to be a public morality , or are morals always a matter for private judgement ?
7 It is one of the aromatic alternatives to grass for a lawn , being mown twice a year only , and will also grow from cracks in paving .
8 Next day , to avoid the corrugations , I decided to walk parallel to the track but there were stones everywhere the size of golf balls .
9 If the load applied at the centre point is F then the deflection at this point is given by where l/2 is the distance between the line of action of the central force and that of each of the two supports .
10 So is Nicaragua today a democracy , or is it not ?
11 Is Robben still an advocate of Howard Dumble amplifiers ?
12 Why is law sometimes a faculty in its own right , and sometimes a department within a faculty ?
13 Or is development just the accretion of a variety of different mechanisms ?
14 There 's a lot of it around there 's people just A lot of people these days see the working on the side is a necessity .
15 But is , is collectivization just the reorganization of land ?
16 Here Goldmann is opening the question that is closed for Marx and Lukács ; is science merely a form of ideology ?
17 Is personality purely the result of conditioning from parents , the environment and/or society ?
18 Or is fascism merely a form of totalitarianism ?
19 This proposition may be illustrated by considering a situation in which an investor creates a portfolio consisting of share I and the market portfolio M. If the proportion invested in I is defined as W i ( in effect W i measures the excess demand for asset I when positive and excess supply of asset I when negative ; when W i is zero then the capital market is in equilibrium as there is neither excess demand nor excess supply of asset I ) and the proportion invested in M as ( ) , an infinite number of portfolios may be created where the weights for I may vary between +1and -1 .
20 But that 's history now the children are back in the classroom .
21 Sure er it 's John currently a police sergeant stationed at .
22 Down the bottom there in , number page twenty six it speaks about another modest man who became a role model for me who 's name 's John now a member of the governing body of Jehovah Witnesses and he 's been quoted over the years as saying it 's not so much where you serve , but who you serve that is truly important , can you see that ?
23 There was stabbings there every week . ’
24 After all , all he did was string together a lot of old , well-known quotations .
25 The first branch to ‘ go live ’ was Maidstone over a year ago , and the PSIONS are now well and truly part of the technicians ' armoury for pest prevention .
26 Nor was intransigence simply an expression of magnate power .
27 ’ Killer Bombs ’ The sirns waled , The sirne ecoed through the streets as the planes ( zoomed ) across the sky Droaned there was a quick burst of ack Ack fire Then a whistling of Bombs all around Suddenly here was silence Then a rumble , Then a boom getting louder like a volcano The sky filled smoke and flames Black Bright orange leeping through the air across the sky in the middle of the noise a child 's crying Then the shouting of people trapped in the rubble House in flames all around The loud ringing of fire engines rushing to the fire More and more voices ( shouting ) for help screaming Body lieing all around .
28 What was comfort only a roof over your head , a full belly , a fire , books to read and nothing on your mind ?
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