Example sentences of "the few [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Still if you already have a spreadsheet machine adding a coprocessor is one of the few easy things that you can do to speed it up .
2 Er the , the only good thing to come out of these proposals is that erm that he supports the erm the appearance of the public enquiry and the sale of erm that , that erm he suggests for example that we should try the airports policy consortium , well we dealt that five years ago when we realised that Surrey and it 's surrounding areas were getting their own pressure group organised to make sure that Stansted got all of the flack got all the , got all the few other things as well .
3 In the secondary modern schools , though in principle it was pursued as a primary goal , as it was in the few technical schools that survived , yet because of the increasing aspiration within the schools themselves that their pupils should be seen to do as well as grammar school pupils , the practical gradually came to be despised there as well .
4 The few poor sticks that Albert had collected over the years were fit for nothing but firewood .
5 There is no doubt that much remains to be learnt about the technology of the period , but the few specialist studies that have been made are enlightening .
6 The few unpicked apples that bobbed and swayed on the bare top branches were all shrivelled up .
7 They can not then use that small amount for the few personal items that they may want to buy when they are in residential homes .
8 There was little soft snow and the ponies had no difficulty whatsoever negotiating the few small crevasses that cut across the route .
9 If you are among the few unlucky ones and would like to try an alternative attack — please get in touch with me .
10 EL AL was among the few international airlines that managed to show a net profit last year : a respectable $11.5m on sales of $138m .
11 Asthma is an increasing worry because it 's one of the few Western diseases that is becoming more frequent and severe .
12 The few useful studies that exist usually include factors that might be peculiar to one country , or society .
13 The holiday camps are held separately for the different sexes , mirroring the gender segregation that occurs in the majority of Northern Ireland 's schools , but another form of segregation in schooling which is not reproduced is that of religion , for the few Catholic schools that exist in the Easton area nominate participants .
14 The infrared region of the spectrum is used to determine molecular structures via their vibrational modes , and this is one of the few surface-sensitive techniques that does not need an ultra-high vacuum .
15 The memorial is on the slopes of Hill 107 where the few remaining officers and 200 men of both squadrons including mechanics , armourers , clerks and cooks , fought as infantry alongide New Zealand soldiers .
16 Kislev was already defended by the few remaining Kislevites and a large Dwarf army which had marched northwards once the fall of Praag became known in Karaz a Karak .
17 The few quickly-processed updates that are handled first , if direct processing is adopted , are more than counterbalanced by the shorter overall run time and thus better average service performance achieved by batching and sorting .
18 Yeah , so you see the few selected ones that come from other schools and you instantly assume that their school must be much more er much better looking than ours .
19 The relationship between staff and students of University College , apart from the pastoral care of the few Anglican students and staff , involved me increasingly in a study of the history and culture of Burma .
20 But what added most to the grotesque expression of his face , was a ghastly smile , which … constantly revealed the few discoloured fangs that were yet scattered in his mouth , and gave him the aspect of a panting dog . ’
21 In fact , even the Japanese language version of these is worth a look , if only for the few English words that remain obstinately untranslatable and stick out glaringly among the elegant Japanese characters .
22 Even so , she had tied her hair back and simply slammed it on top of her head , If it had n't been for the few feminine wisps that escaped to frame that beautiful face she would have looked forbidding .
23 The Juventus player 's display was one of the few bright spots as England made heavy work of beating a San Marino side made up mainly of part-time players , including postmen , bus drivers and newsagents .
24 The few human tribes that opposed him , mostly ancient enemies of the Unberogens , were defeated in battle or driven beyond the Grey Mountains to the south and northwards into the forests beyond the Middle Mountains .
25 In the few short years since AIDS came to dominate our lives , we have created a network of caring , service-providing charities , pioneered imaginative public health campaigns and pushed the government and medical profession to take the threat of AIDS seriously .
26 The original Peninsular Steam Navigation Company was founded in 1837 with the award of an Admiralty contract to carry mails to the Iberian Peninsula ; it is one of the few British companies that operate under a Royal Charter — granted in 1840 .
27 The Bank of Italy is one of the few public bodies that commands respect .
28 We used to do any typing that was needed for the Aurae Phiala publications , and for the few little books and articles Stephen occasionally produced .
29 In the midst of the political , and often violent , turmoil experienced in Sri Lanka in recent years , the Lanka Guardian is one of the few independent newspapers that have consistently taken an ethical , non-partisan stand on national and international issues .
30 Given the few nuclear shelters that exist in the UK , most people would be excluded from them .
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