Example sentences of "the government [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The government tackles the free-rider problem with respect to the financing of BBC services by legal means .
2 He was the author of several political histories , President of the Society of Antiquaries , the founder of a prize for a historical essay at Oxford , and shortly before the competition he had persuaded the Government to take the first steps towards setting up the National Portrait Gallery .
3 The Institute felt that such a panel would have to have legal powers to enforce standards if necessary , as the UK panel does , and has asked the government to take the appropriate steps .
4 But the Government fears the new technology — which could be in the shops by Christmas next year — will lead to an explosion of explicit porn and violence .
5 So I 'm sorry Mr Chairman if the report is doom and gloom but that is the situation that does prevail we will endeavour to work to the best of our ability , or the lack of it but please remember the constraints that we are under and if we have got any views , to stand , and if we do want to help the people in Dundee and we do want to stop the government pilfering the British Rail pension scheme
6 Mr Gordon Green , a senior executive member , said the recent educational changes were doomed to failure unless the Government recognised the true value of teachers implementing them by improving pay and conditions .
7 Three years ago the Government recognised the growing problem for people on low and moderate incomes who could no longer get legal aid .
8 Will the Minister widen his reply to include funding of the national companies , and in particular will he explain the remarks that he made to the Royal Society of Arts last week , when he speculated on the Government funding the national companies directly ?
9 In making the appointments the government followed the familiar pattern of political patronage , Nobili and Prodi both being Christian Democrats and Cagliari and Reviglio Socialists .
10 The Government announced the first payment in BT3 will be 150p per share with a minimum of 120 shares with the second instalment 140p in a bid to ensure a spectacular success for the sale which closes at 10am on July 14 .
11 Every year the government announced the total tonnage to be built of each type of ship and selected which shipbuilders and ( domestic ) owners should be involved .
12 On March 12 the government announced the further postponement of the presidential elections [ see p. 38754 ] to allow candidates sufficient time to campaign throughout the country .
13 Mr. Graham : Perhaps they are the professional advisers who advised the Government to sell the royal ordnance factory in my constituency for a pittance to people who later recouped the price in one sale .
14 CPRW 's National Executive Committee has called on the Government to halt the 14th Round , pending a more thorough assessment of the environmental risks involved .
15 Under the extended agreement the government raised the daily minimum wage by 12 per cent , reduced value added tax from 15 to 10 per cent and abolished exchange controls .
16 The government made the audacious decision to make English the official business language in spite of the fact that 76% of the population is Chinese , 15% Malay and 6.5% Indian
17 ‘ This national petition calls on the Government to save the British coal industry .
18 A campaign based on petitions , letter-writings , and revelations of inadequacies and irregularities in the development 's plans , persuaded the government to reverse the initial approval which it had given to the scheme .
19 We call upon the government to demonstrate the same dedication and commitment as the workforce at Swans .
20 The Political Constitution grants equal rights to women and men and , under President Duarte in 1981 , the government ratified the United Nations Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women .
21 Local authorities now have four main sources of funds for capital expenditure : borrowing , which is subject to approval by central government ; capital grants , also from central government , which will specify the purposes for which they are to be used , and the amount the local authority must itself contribute ; capital receipts , from the sale of assets such as land and council houses , though the local authorities must first set aside 50% of these receipts ( 75% in the case of council house sales ) towards repaying their debts ; and ordinary revenue from the Community Charge , etc. , for which the government assumes the local authorities to be accountable to their voters ( CIPFA , 1990 , Chapter 20.3 ; HM Treasury , 1990 , Chapter 21 , Paras .
22 President Clinton 's plans to bolster US industry — particularly the high tech sector , begin to look disturbingly corporatist , and the chief executive of the Baby Bells ' Bell Communications Research , George Heilmeier , seems to feel the same way : he told Reuter that the government should certainly spur industry to construct a national information highway but it should not build it itself : ‘ I do n't think the public sector should operate or control networks that are commercial , ’ he said , ‘ I am not in favour of the government building the national information infrastructure . ’
23 As well as pressing the government to support the proposed directive , it also supports the introduction of a model Tobacco Act , which will cover sales of tobacco to children , restrictions on smoking in public places , better education on the health risks of smoking , increased taxation levels and more provision of smoking cessation resources .
24 ( In the face of growing opposition to the peace process during October the government seized the latest editions both of the weekly newspaper of the People 's Democratic Party , Al-Ahali , for criticizing the royal decree of Sept. 25 prolonging parliament 's recess until Dec. 1 and also of the Moslem Brotherhood weekly , Al-Ribat , for questioning Jordan 's participation in the conference .
25 Lord James said the Government accepted the increased sentences , adding : ‘ There is a rising crime rate and rising public concern that it is necessary to obliterate the knife culture and the vicious circle involved therein of knife-wielding thugs . ’
26 On Jan. 25 the government ordered the ex-Prime Minister , Kazi Zafar Ahmed and members of his Cabinet in hiding to surrender themselves to the authorities within seven days or face one year 's rigorous imprisonment .
27 Butland seems to have failed to appreciate that in the government reforms the general practitioner is the purchaser of services and the family health services authority 's role is to facilitate this and not to act as Big Brother .
28 The government identifies the key components of community as follows :
29 Today Mrs McNee will be among low income families , pensioners and the disabled campaigning in George Square , Glasgow , for more help from the Government to combat the cold weather .
30 Have not the Government given the French-backed consortium a licence to print money ?
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