Example sentences of "the case [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 He believes standards have only slipped in the case of a few companies , but that the press tends to seize on these examples and blow them up out of all proportion .
2 To confine the word to either sense would hardly be possible without pedantry ; though , on the one hand , we may agree that a thing which has no owner — a rare event in a civilized country , except in the case of a few things , like wild animals at large — is not property , and , on the other , we may often avoid confusion by using the word ‘ ownership ’ for the most extensive right which a man can have over material things .
3 Though in our recent study of Adoption Allowances which involved many older children we did not set out to test the issues under discussion , nevertheless some of the 52 children we interviewed maintained a link with a member of the original family whilst in the case of a few others a ‘ clean break ’ approach was followed by agencies .
4 For the former it allowed the husband time to concentrate on other enterprises whilst in the case of the latter it reduced the work that had to be done by the husband on his return from his off-farm job .
5 Syria and Iraq have advanced rocketry systems and in the case of the latter — if not Syria also — a chemical and biological warfare capacity .
6 Argos 's and Sainsbury 's replies were the most thoughtful and in the case of the latter really seemed to believe there was a future in such a project but not in their Homebase , House and Garden centres .
7 In the case of the latter , Derrida 's interest also focuses particularly on the way in which Lévi-Strauss produces his knowledge of a non-European civilization according to a doubled but non-contradictory logic which evades identity-thinking .
8 However , the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars , while significant struggles and in the case of the latter conflict involving savage warfare in Manchuria anticipating the kind of warfare to be seen in Europe between 1914 and 1918 , did not constitute a confrontation between two superpowers set against a background of vitriolic suspicion and rivalry , as happened in 1950 .
9 It is in both the firm 's and the consumer s interests that this is for some extended period : in the case of the latter because search costs ( presumably ) are finite and so will not be worth incurring if there is only some probability of finding low prices , unless the benefits are substantial .
10 For example , in the case of the latter it has been stated that
11 In the case of the latter , the last straw in Wilson 's continuing agitation and " one of the greatest blunders the union ever made " , thought Walter Runciman , " was the despotic effort to make the officers and engineers join a union .
12 It must , however , be said that it is by no means crystal clear that this forms the mental element of the ‘ species ’ torts of unlawful interference with contract and unlawful means conspiracy ( indeed , in the case of the latter it very probably does not ) and it is not easy to see how the species can differ in this respect from the genus .
13 But , in the case of the latter it has been recognised that as regards the obligation , now in section 242 , to deliver accounts and reports to the Registrar ( thus making them available to the public ) they ( like partnerships ) are entitled to exemption .
14 In the case of the latter it is important that students are made aware of which historic cost is appropriate ; ie. cost to the restaurant business not cost to the clothes shop .
15 In the case of the latter , a member country 's currency competes with the currencies of all the other union member countries .
16 In the case of the latter report , this illustrates that the " least favoured regions " are almost exclusively large agricultural areas on the periphery of the Community in contrast to the " most favoured " regions which are characterised either by being large administrative/service centres or by containing large industrial concentrations .
17 In the case of the latter , many peripheral areas within Europe are to some extent sustained economically by public procurements placed to industries within those regions .
18 The battles of Penselwood and Sherston were apparently inconclusive , although hard-fought in the case of the latter , but Edmund was able to relieve London , driving the enemy away and defeating them after crossing the Thames at Brentford .
19 In the case of the latter , the embedded knowledge is well documented in the formal requirements and specifications of computer programs , although I know of no active programs to preserve this information .
20 In the case of the former the South of Scotland Electricity Board was the partner ; the CEGB made the ‘ sale ’ to Anglesey from Dungeness B in Kent .
21 In the case of the former , you and your partner can choose who gets your share of the property on the other 's death .
22 It can offer something different from both NATO and the European Communities , in the case of the former because it can concentrate on a European rather than a trans-Atlantic perspective , and in the second because since 1973 neutral Ireland has been a member of the Communities .
23 In the case of the former , it is a traditional rather than a vocational education which is required , and as to the latter , the evidence suggests that employers are really indifferent to their education .
24 Particularly noted is the case of the former Federal Republic of Germany ( FRG ) , where local governments raise a quarter of their income from charging , mostly through environment and public health levies .
25 In the case of the former novel , the sections were 14-line stanzas based on the verse form used by Pushkin in Eugene Onegin ; at 300 pages , The Golden Gate was a fast read .
26 Before I start it is worth pointing out that this problem is largely restricted to the users of the Apple Macintosh — PC-based software running under either Windows or GEM seems to be rather better behaved although , in the case of the former , installing downloadable fonts is so much of a pain that many people simply do n't bother anyway !
27 Where the differences between the classes relates to financial entitlement , i.e to dividends and return of capital , the likelihood is that they will be given distinguishing names , though these may be no more informative than ‘ preference ’ and ‘ ordinary , ’ ( perhaps , in the case of the former , preceded by ‘ first ’ or ‘ second ’ where there are two classes of preference shares ) .
28 In England , the proposal advanced by a majority of the Criminal Law Revision Committee in its Working Paper would similarly have abolished the exemption but distinguished marital from non-marital rape by requiring the consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions in the case of the former before a prosecution could be brought .
29 In the case of the former the change in emphasis from the more academic approach , characterized by previous ‘ O ’ level music syllabuses in particular , to the three components of listening , composing and performance was seen as a distinct improvement .
30 The report also claimed that the plenum reviewed the case of the former party general secretary , Zhao Ziyang .
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