Example sentences of "the [num] [noun pl] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It had originally been intended to include the Independent Women 's Union , which had campaigned jointly with the Green Party , but the two parties split after the Independent Women 's Union unsuccessfully demanded a larger share of the eight seats the list had won .
2 In the 12 chapters the author takes us from a basic introduction to the design of synthesis , through the various methodologies , to a few selected total syntheses .
3 Sri Lanka had a lot going for it : democracy going back to 1931 and a literacy rate which , at 88% , is the highest of the 43 countries the World Bank classifies as ‘ low-income ’ .
4 These results were tested again by giving the 30 informants the passage that opens Arthur C. Clarke 's 2001 : a space odyssey , a novelisation of the film screenplay written by Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke ( 1968 ) .
5 ‘ Nothing like this has ever happened in the 53 years the Palladium has been open . ’
6 On each of the six nights the auditorium was packed to capacity with a seating of 1,500 .
7 The 33,000 inventions the company has patented in the course of 60 years also include acrylic plastic , paraquat herbicide and the world 's first beta-blocker heart drugs .
8 Count how many of each of the three products the shop has on its premises
9 Mr Nicol said that in each of the three cases the restriction of access to the public conflicted with the principle of openness which applied to all legal proceedings .
10 At the same time , in two of the three models the equilibrium outcomes could be quite bad from the welfare point of view .
11 This major display of maps and related map-making equipment not only aroused considerable public interest during the three months the exhibition was open , but also generated new links with individuals and institutions in Scotland and elsewhere .
12 On some occasions over the three months the concentration of ozone fell by 95 per cent .
13 Shawcraft Models were contracted to build the three robots the budget would allow , plus the model of their city on stilts .
14 By the last of the three weeks the Gofer teams were performing brilliantly .
15 Of the three flea-pits the town boasted my favourite was the pavilion , at the Coatham end of the prom .
16 More than 12 vans and cars were stopped during the 35 minutes the road block was in position .
17 Erm firstly that if an existing employment use falls to another land use , this is what Mr Allenby was just saying , the subsequent release of employment land onto the market does not come out of the sixty hectares the structure plan 's asking for , that 's what that 's what Mr Allenby just said , I hope he wo n't come back on it , major point .
18 During the ten months the siege was to last , Richard 's road gangs were said to have shovelled nearly three-quarters of a million tons of metal on to the road .
19 There was now a captive market for British films , and that market would expand steadily through the ten years the act was set to remain on the statute book .
20 McDonald 's recruitment officer Christina Pellini , who is hiring trainee managers for the 50 units the company plans to open this year , uses Springboard once or twice a month because ‘ it provides good quality people ’ , she said .
21 In each of the five situations the court will consider all the circumstances and decide whether the parties in fact intended that a partnership be brought about .
22 At the end of the five years the society 's variable interest rate will apply .
23 Assuming that the contributions are made during the five years the child is at a fee-paying school the difference in total cost works out at £43,000 at an investment return of 13 per cent , compared with £58,320 at 8.5 per cent .
24 At each of the 40 junctions the driver made two judgments .
25 Traffic has grown steadily rather than spectacularly during the twenty-nine years the preservation company has been operating .
26 If it does come on stream , each theatre would be able to carry out roughly ten per cent more operations than the 1930s theatres the suite will replace .
27 Although the age — sex composition and total number of animals present were similar in the two periods the number of reproductive units had decreased between the studies with a corresponding increase in mean unit size .
28 Similar rules may be constructed to examine the operation of processes of lengthening and rounding so that it is possible ( for example ) to compare in the two communities the distribution of vowel length in four phonetic environments ( see J. Milroy et al.
29 Nurturing confidence is one thing , but cosseting them from the harsh realities of top provincial competition could prove totally counter-productive come the two games the count against the New Zealand XV , who themselves will not include any of the All Black tourists in Australia for the Bledisloe Cup series .
30 After evaluating the two studies the board is convinced that the link is " 80 per cent correct " , in the words of the director of its electricity safety department , Jaak N u .
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