Example sentences of "the [num] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Pereira 's defeat had been widely predicted following the rout of his nominally Marxist African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde ( PAICV ) in the first multiparty legislative elections , on Jan. 13 , when Monteiro 's Movement for Democracy ( MPD ) won 56 of the 79 seats in the National People 's Assembly [ see p. 37948 ] .
2 Legislative elections , held in two rounds on March 6 and March 13 , resulted in the Social Democratic Republican Party ( PRDS ) winning a majority of the 79 seats in the National Assembly .
3 The 97 employees of the company , based at Cleckheaton ,
4 The Nationals won 49 per cent of the vote and took 68 of the 97 seats in the unicameral parliament , an increase of 28 ; Labour polled 35 per cent and won 28 seats , a net loss of 28 ; and the left-wing New Labour Party retained its single seat .
5 ‘ Food poisoning ’ , for instance , shows the effect of the 44,000 cases of the ‘ runs ’ reported this year with a cartoon strip depicting bacteria like so many vengeful Smurfs .
6 What might otherwise be a dry debate on science policy has raised a hue and cry among the American public , for the issue is which of the 70000 chemicals on the market may cause cancer .
7 THE 120 musicians of the great Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra shut themselves up in a secret conclave yesterday and elected a conductor who is almost the exact opposite of the late Herbert von Karajan : the Italian Claudio Abbado .
8 Within a year most of the 120 households in the village were connected into the network .
9 By 0700 hours the 120 recruits of the junior intake , Who are in their fourth week of training , have finished cleaning their rooms and join the centipede of recruits marching in small groups towards the Elizabethan Restaurant .
10 By the next day , flood warning computers built into the river banks along the 120 miles of the Tay were flashing yellow warning signals as placid tributaries dumped their overload into the river .
11 A total of 553 candidates stood for the 120 seats in the Assembly .
12 A total of six political parties contested the general election of February 1988 , in which the President 's Socialist Party of Senegal ( Parti socialiste sénégalais — PS ) obtained 103 of the 120 seats in the Assembly , the remainder being won by the principal opposition party , the Democratic Party of Senegal ( Parti démocratique sénégalais — PDS ) [ see p. 35812 ] .
13 Of the 287 people who saw the Carlyle exhibition , 94% rated it as Very Good or Good ; 90% of the 237 visitors who saw the MacLean exhibition gave it similar ratings ; and 78% of the 147 visitors to the Skinner exhibition considered it Very Good or Good .
14 NIGG BAY 's Graham Gordon , who celebrated his 13th birthday earlier this week , will be the youngest of the 256 competitors in the Mobil Scottish Boys ' Championship , which gets under way at West Kilbride on Monday week , writes Martin Dempster .
15 In 1971 the glory days returned as Stewart won six of the eleven rounds of the championship on his way to winning his second title .
16 They are commonly present on each of the eleven segments in the less specialized Exopterygotes but do not occur on the telson ( Fig. 41 ) .
17 The track has been converted into a cycle and pedestrian walkway , and people with energy can walk the eleven miles to the coast .
18 Presidential and legislative elections were held in November 1989 , when Callejas was elected with just over 50 per cent of the vote , and the PN won 71 of the 128 seats in the National Assembly [ see pp. 37038-39 ; 37275 ] .
19 Your accommodation may be in any one of the eight mini-villages within the Ten Bel complex .
20 ‘ Amendment to SSAP 15 ’ Accounting for deferred tax ’ December 1992 ’ was adopted by the unanimous vote of the eight members of the Accounting Standards Board .
21 The prime business of the eight members of the London Discount Market Association is to buy bills at a discount and hold them until redemption date , thereby taking a profit .
22 My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has appointed the eight members of the schoolteachers ' review body under the chairmanship of Sir Graham Day .
23 Most of the eight members of the " National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma " at Manerplaw were NLD members , although the leader , Sein Winn , was a member of the Party for National Democracy ( PND ) .
24 As King Hassan celebrated the 30th anniversary of his accession to the throne on March 3 , officials disclosed that the eight members of the family of the late Gen. Mohammed Oufkir had been released on Feb. 27 after over 18 years in detention .
25 The eight members of the Collective State Presidency and Croatian President Tudjman had on Oct. 18 ordered an unconditional ceasefire before the start of the talks .
26 On Oct. 3 four of the eight members of the Collective State Presidency ( representing the republics of Serbia and Montenegro , and the autonomous provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo within Serbia ) voted to take on the powers of the Yugoslav Assembly because they were " in conditions of an immediate danger of war " .
27 There 's ei the , the eight notes of the C major scale .
28 He was a favourite with the fans at Scarborough and is looking forward to the eight matches over the month . ’
29 Fighting erupted in the chamber on the first day when the eight delegates from the opposition Democratic Progressive Party ( DPP ) raised a banner protesting against " constitutional blackmail " by the Assembly 's elderly members .
30 All accepted entries will be examined and the judges will award the first prize to the entrant they consider has shown the greatest skill and judgement in placing the eight letters in the order most likely to appeal to a typical IDEAL HOME reader .
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