Example sentences of "the [det] [noun pl] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The new Ludwig museum in Koblenz adds yet another to the many showcases for the Ludwig Collection that dot the map of Europe .
2 Of the many explanations for the collapse in the ninth century after such intensive cultivation without metals for 6–16 centuries , the most plausible is that it resulted from sustained failures of maize due to a leafhopper-borne virus , maize mosaic virus , which may have originated in northern South America at roughly the same time as maize was brought to the Caribbean by the Arawak about the time of Christ .
3 The substantive content of the theory , how the transnational corporations harness the transnational capitalist classes to solidify their hegemonic control of consumerist culture and ideology , is the site of the many struggles for the global system .
4 An Irish audience saw the All Blacks for the first time when they trained at Donnybrook on Monday , and the first impression of Mick Quinn , the former international fly-half , was : ‘ The omens are not good .
5 The latter calls for a human judgement instead of a ‘ scientifically ’ measured fact .
6 If a company meets these requirements in any year and is therefore entitled to the accounting exemptions for that year it will also be entitled to the same exemptions for the following year , regardless of whether or not it meets the criteria .
7 Since the nucleus of a cell in the gut could give rise to a normal toad it is clear that no genetic information had been lost during the development of the gut , and the same holds for the skin nucleus .
8 Social conventions would clearly be of little use if only a small proportion of members was aware of them , and the same holds for the interpretative rules which guide the manner in which meanings are attached to objects and situations .
9 The character of the Northern Region can not be understood apart from its industrial history and the same holds for the Tyneside conurbation and the two locales which are the subject of this study .
10 But that should not lead us to assume that the same holds for the externalities identified here .
11 Computer Associates is believed to be working along the same lines for the HP platform .
12 A big man , six foot four inches in his socks and a good fourteen stone , he always looked mildly untidy , and this morning , having worn the same clothes for a day and a half he looked like a football supporter after a night in the cells .
13 Changes in social and commercial conditions , and changes in the moral values of the community , mean that the Courts will not always find the same reasons for the enforcement of promises to be good today as their forbears did ; equally it is likely that they will often find good reasons for the enforcement of promises where their predecessors did not .
14 I chose the same flowers for the right-hand picture , but used yellow shades instead .
15 They studied the same subjects for the other nine GCSE subjects .
16 Some months after the murder of Henry of Almain at Viterbo on 13 March 1271 , his father was appointed to the same offices for a term of three years .
17 Now that idea was to get everybody together and erm because there have been certain members of the staff which have n't been looked at for a period of time they 've escaped the net as it were in the last couple of times and it seems that we 've had the same guys for the last three years and some have erm
18 ( There is often a degree of integration between these ; this aims for the use of the same key-presses for the same effects and allows the transfer of data between functions . )
19 The Institute of Terrestrial Ecology used the same parishes for a parallel study of vegetation change .
20 The research follows an earlier ( 1987 ) successful study of the same issues for the period c.1660-1770 which was financed for three months byu The Nuffield Foundation and aided by a British Academy grant for travel and consumables .
21 The work does not offer quite the same opportunities for an indulgent emotional approach , perhaps because the prevalence of the march motto-theme keeps conductors nearer to the straight and narrow .
22 Editor , — Is it not time for the BMJ to set the same standards for the drug advertisements it carries as it does for scientific papers ?
23 The amazing thing about memory is that you can use the same hooks for a multitude of lists without ending up in confusion .
24 The scores obtained by a group of children for the odd items can then be compared with the scores obtained by the same children for the even-numbered items .
25 The problem , simply stated , is that for any rational expectations model one can always specify a non-rational expectations model which has exactly the same implications for a given set of data , even though it may have other implications which are quite different .
26 Because the two models have exactly the same implications for the data one can not use the data to discriminate between them : the two models are observationally equivalent .
27 Since the imposition of these conditions on equation ( 3.25 ) gives an equation which is identical to equation ( 3.16 ) we have derived a model of consumption which has a different underlying theory of consumption and assumes irrational expectations , but which has exactly the same implications for the data as our rational expectations consumption model .
28 Of course , individual reformers did not need to be committed Philosophical Idealists in order to adhere to the new image ; old-fashioned ageism reached the same conclusion and had more or less the same remedies for the ‘ problem ’ .
29 We get the same royalties for a CD as we do for a cassette
30 the account of the several battles for the Salt Depot at Dharsana …
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