Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [prep] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He had created an empire in the March with all the speed and rapacity of his supplanted rival the younger Despenser , and from this base he ruled England .
2 The Orphists were not adequately represented at this Salon , since Delaunay himself refused to show there , but at the Indépendants of 1914 the Orphist canvases were so numerous and of such large dimensions that they had to be placed in the largest and most important hall on the ground floor .
3 The petition was accompanied by one from the magnates , who also sought the withdrawal of the tax on wool : it appears that for the first time since the Ordinances of 1310–11 the commons and the magnates were joining together to seek concessions and measures of reform from the king .
4 In the May of 1808 the constituted authorities all over Spain were confronted with the dilemma which discredited civil governors on the outbreak of the Civil War in July 1936 .
5 The child was born to what must have been exhausted parents , strained to their physical and mental limits , and it never lived to see another year ; in the December of 1771 the nameless infant was buried on Catherine Hill — the first occupant of plot number 119 , but certainly not the last .
6 Over a five-year period Kiselev transformed the administration of the lands between the Pruth and the Danube to such an extent that it was to be hard , thereafter , for the sultan or outsiders to prevent the eventual emergence of an independent Romania .
7 After the overthrow of the Shah in 1979 the USSR ordered the local communist party ( Tudeh ) to support the Ayatollah Khomeini , and even began to supply the new regime with weapons .
8 Who would pay a small fortune to come and spend a week in a draughty Highland hotel miles away from the slopes , when they could get a package holiday to somewhere snowy , romantic and convenient in the Alps for half the price ?
9 In the October of 1934 the Catholic Charities Convention held a meeting in New York City at which one of the speakers was Monsignor Amleto Giovanni Cicognani .
10 Yet the kind of premises favoured by small-time craftsmen look as if they were not so suitable for a spot of Miscellaneous Repos ; by the October of 1856 the Titfords were on the move yet again , this time to 15 Penton Street , Clerkenwell .
11 She had refined the smuggling operation between Morocco and the UK to such a pitch that it was no longer necessary to put into a Mediterranean or UK port and in this way had succeeded in making over twenty runs bringing cargoes of cannabis into Britain since 1974 .
12 First , the UK input-output tables are applied to calculate the value added ( or income ) accruing in the UK from all the input purchases , both current and capital , of the Scotch Whisky companies .
13 In the UK in 1957 the Physical Society published a group of reference papers on the British work , including the now famous Lawson criterion for the thermal insulation ( confinement time ) required to give a net gain of energy from a thermonuclear reactor .
14 In practice this approach to user education still predominates , but in the UK in particular the scope of user education for schoolchildren has been expanded so significantly , bringing with it substantial implications for user education in other sectors , that the emphasis here must be on the description and discussion of this recent work .
15 For the UK in particular the use of IT is far more important than the development of the technology itself .
16 Sept. 13 : In the first major realignment within the EMS since 1987 the Italian lira is effectively devalued by 7 per cent .
17 As an extension of Acheson 's ideas about communism it was likewise impossible for Americans to think of the Chinese embracing communism of their own volition and rejecting the US in such a humiliating fashion .
18 Early in the April of 1859 the contract on the land was signed , and on the 26th of that month , at the age of twenty-five , William Morris married Jane Burden , an Oxford girl .
19 There is a great deal of support in the EC for such a discriminatory tax , eventually rising to as much as $10 a barrel .
20 FERGIE trudged along the banks of the Dee with all the right words on her lips … and despair in her heart .
21 The system is based on the same engine as its predecessor , and has been re-worked for the Mac in such a way that it is almost identical in processing sequences , Sage says .
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