Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [v-ing] over the " in BNC.

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1 Does he realise that , for example , in University college , Cardiff it is proposed to put an extra 1,000 students into the humanities building over the next three years ?
2 From this vantage point they were to keep up a steady rifle fire on the sepoys advancing over the open ground until they heard the first ringing of the Church bell .
3 During the evening his wife was very nervous and became extremely agitated when the British guns started up , the shells passing over the village with a loud roar .
4 It grew until it was a window and out through the window she could see down a long tunnel ; and beyond that the sun shining and the mountains rising over the fruit trees .
5 Read it for yourselves ; — Moses , brought to a halt in front of the Red Sea , with the Egyptians thundering over the horizon to destroy him , and the Israelites in rebellion , gives that word to his people .
6 It was under attack from the law , its sexism was earning it brickbats from sections of the readership , and even the new rock reading section of the market was beginning to note the changes coming over the NME .
7 He drove round slowly , the wheels bumping over the icy cobbles , found an empty slot behind two rows of cars under the lee of the Munster , drove into it .
8 ESP 's and Martin 's method gives you a greater length of fret to play over , and lessens the chances of the strings falling over the edges when using the kind of vib that Kirk sometimes does .
9 Are the Americans going over the top again , or is this an indictment which we should place on trial ?
10 Israeli forces responded with artillery barrages , the exchanges continuing over the succeeding days .
11 Thinking about it , I saw the rafts dancing over the rapids and through the white foam . ’
12 The numbers getting over the last two hurdles can probably be found by a later survey , but the time involved is such that this will surely be a separate activity .
13 Nottingham18 , Northampton9 THE vultures circling over the Midlands waiting to indulge in some juicy recruitment if Nottingham are relegated are still not sure which way to fly for their meal .
14 Even knowing he would die , and that the revolutions stirring over the planet would not create the Earthly paradise he so desired , Blake felt he could trust the stranger .
15 I want the clouds sweeping over the stubble when I creep and stand on the front steps after reading all night , and our owls hoot , and everyone 's sleeping upstairs , sleeping sound , in quiet bedrooms .
16 The clouds looming over the Lloyd 's market seem to have been silver-lined , having boosted the demand for Sherwood 's systems .
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