Example sentences of "the [noun pl] have been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 About 100 million years ago there was a big break-up of the land masses , and the continents have been slowly moving towards their present positions ever since ( they will , of course , continue to move in the future ) .
2 The Arbuthnots have been here for generations .
3 This Board held that in the particular circumstances — the contracts having been neither framed nor carried out in British India — the profits derived from the contracts did not there accrue or arise .
4 The Prince had had an inkling of what was to come in Wales , when the crowds had been so eager to see Diana that they could scarcely hide their disappointment if Charles and Diana took one side of the street each and they were on the side of the street he took .
5 The Wolfies have been around for almost ten years but have never made any major dents on the charts .
6 Paragraph 30 of the statement of claim in its original form pleaded that investors who had purchased Euramco shares had suffered loss as a result of the breaches of the Act by Pantell S.A. in which the solicitors had been knowingly concerned .
7 The audit report should state whether , in the opinion of the auditors , the accounts have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 and give a true and fair view of the state of the group 's and the company 's affairs and of the group 's profit or loss for the year .
8 The audit report should state whether , in the opinion of the auditors , the accounts have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 and give a true and fair view of the state of the company 's affairs and of its profit or loss for the year .
9 In most libraries user education activity fluctuates from year to year ; a bewildering range of teaching methods and teaching materials has been tried and applied ; and a discernible pattern of development in the programmes has been almost impossible to trace .
10 ‘ Your lordship will be pleased to hear that the estates have been well cared for . ’
11 Because the signs had been there all the time if she 'd ever bothered to look further than his surface charm .
12 ‘ At the time it was a shock , but afterwards when I looked back the signs had been there .
13 I went to all the lectures and they 're easy to go to , because you 're spoon-fed , they do n't sit back and they do n't philosophize , a lot of it , it 's all material on the board , which can be a bit boring sometimes , but we 've done some big course like quantum mechanics and there have been a few other theoretical ones which have been really involved but the lecturers have been really good , you can see how excited they are , and it starts spilling over to you .
14 If the conflicts have been most evident in direct cultural production , they have been most complex and most general in the crucial formative area of education , where the direct controls of established institutions of reproduction have been easier to maintain , largely because the influence of market forces has been very much less relevant , and the only major factor of asymmetry has been the ( always practically weaker ) claim of professional and cultural independence .
15 Historically , the standard of diligence set by the courts has been comically low , as can be seen from the cases concerning failure to supervise fellow directors and managers who turn out to have been defrauding the company .
16 Nevertheless , the courts have been remarkably inventive in circumventing the privity doctrine through the development of the collateral contract device and negligent misrepresentation .
17 She has written to the Attorney General protesting that the courts have been too lenient on Dr Courtney and she has tabled a Parliamentary Question to Sir Nicholas designed to force a judicial review of the sentence .
18 Juveniles who break the law have been dealt with by separate courts since 1908 and since 1933 the courts have been specifically charged to have regard to the child 's welfare in all their dealings .
19 This inquiry can not be conducted in isolation from the general developments that have occurred in connection with judicial review of executive authority , an area in which the courts have been extremely active .
20 The Germans have been quietly content to see America lose business opportunities by refusing aid .
21 ‘ How can you — ’ Then Fenella stopped as well , because the maps had been very explicit .
22 All who have contributed to the notes have been directly involved in sailing , either as helpers or as disabled sailors for a number of years .
23 The plans had been strongly opposed by environmentalists , who warned that the project would damage the richly-diverse Lacandona rainforest , and that nearby Mayan archaeological sites might be flooded .
24 The canvases had been properly relined in the nineteenth century and only the ‘ Hosea ’ and ‘ Obadiah ’ required new linings .
25 The proposals have been surprisingly well received .
26 The proposals have been fully thought through by the local education authority , the Anglican Diocese of Liverpool and Roman Catholic Archdiocese .
27 You see the only way that you can really discipline them is when you have a school where the rules have been very , very strict from the moment that they went into that school and they have had their noses held to the grindstone with work up to their brows and they just do n't think of being tiresome and anybody who is tiresome is pulled out and put in a special room on their own , called a sin bin an which is rather boring and made to work even harder !
28 This regulatory code is put to even greater effect when it is used to turn an exchange of missiles between rioters and police into a surreal game of football in which the rules have been deliberately bent to give the ‘ opposing team ’ an unfair advantage !
29 The Californian company guarantees that all the products have been thoroughly tested — on humans !
30 The reasons have been strikingly depicted by Cole and Postgate ( 1961:306 ) : The appalling sanitary conditions were accompanied by an increase in destitution and pauperism as people left the countryside , or were forced to leave by the Enclosure Acts , and sought jobs in the manufacturing towns .
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