Example sentences of "the [noun pl] have the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At one level , the shareholders have the inalienable right to dismiss directors by a simple majority vote under s 303 Companies Act 1985 .
2 Yet , as we have seen , the skilled behaviour they used in the cases had the opposite effect .
3 Thus , in the case of Parchment , the police committed what would have been a number of breaches of the rules had the accused been in the police station , but , simply because the supposed infractions had taken place before his arrival , the crown court held that nothing wrongful had occurred .
4 These parsers build the parse tree by starting with a rule whose right-hand side is a sentence , S. The rules are progressively expanded down to the rules having the lexical categories that match the input .
5 What evidence there is from the USA suggests that local authorities there are simply not prepared , either physically or mentally , to deal with the new service demands of the exurban inmigrants ( Green , 1983 ) although work in Canada , using a game-playing approach , has tended to suggest that the inmigrants have the same service demands as the existing inhabitants ( Joseph and Smit , 1983 ) .
6 a pelican crossing has the signals have the same meaning as traffic lights except that the flashing amber signal will follow the red stop signal , when amber light is flashing you must give
7 Financial incentives , L 24 billion to the region and L 6 billion to the communes having the nuclear power stations , have helped to encourage many regions to request one .
8 The spears have the typical cross-piece of Frankish weapons .
9 BPXC also ratified its recommendation that workers native to Tauramena have a priority in the hiring process when applying for posts offered by contractors working in that municipality , provided the candidates have the required experience and fill the legal and contractual requirements .
10 Like the exhaustive ballot the STV requires the successive exclusion of the candidates having the fewest votes .
11 But the results are often seized upon in an ill-digested way by popular writers , occasionally the scientists themselves , as confirming that the animals have the linguistic competence and cognitive awareness of human beings .
12 The drivers had the hardest job , concentrating on holding their positions and keeping out of the way of the front and rear gunners .
13 At an awards ceremony at the Polytechnic of the South Bank in 1974 he castigated those people ‘ who would like to make polytechnics exactly like universities ’ , and who ignored the fact that the polytechnics had the distinctive feature of not only pursuing knowledge for its own sake , but also treating the acquisition of knowledge as ‘ never far removed from its application ’ — and constructing courses of study accordingly .
14 Alternatively , if we view the anions as the cubic structure then the cations have the tetrahedral arrangement .
15 Truly the cassowaries have the loudest — er , I mean the loveliest — voices in all the world ! "
16 The Guards have the same requirements for recruits as any infantry or Royal Armoured Corps regiment ’ , he said .
17 At least the Scots had the last word .
18 Jeffrey — who was watched by most of his sevens charges — spent some of the tie on the wing , but there was a customary rumbustious downing of Cassell , and the scriptwriters had the perfect finale as he notched the Scots ’ sole try , courtesy of a pass from his ‘ not so old ’ back-row pal , Finlay Calder .
19 I extraterrestrials visited humanity in the very early days of our species , the cultural impact must have been major — unless , that is , the extraterrestrials have the common sense not to interfere too much with whatever level of civilisation the existed .
20 I think the Arabs have the same rights as the Jews and I think it is a tragedy of history that a people who are refugees make new refugees .
21 I think the Arabs have the same rights as the Jews and I think it is a tragedy of history that a people who are refugees make new refugees .
22 The pens had the ordinary steel nibs and it was essential that they had just the right amount of ink on them or blots resulted .
23 The judges had the difficult task of choosing a winner from the 340 entries , but in the end the first prize , a bronze mounted otter , went to 10-year-old Helen Laughton from Cheadle , Cheshire .
24 The eccentricities of the judges have the same stupefying unfunniness — however witty — as those of a schoolteacher .
25 The prize was awarded for the coursebook considered by the judges to have the greatest potential influence on the teaching and learning of English .
26 I know little of military operations , but I am sure they have similar operational problems and that the crews have the same worries .
27 Since none of the countries have the separate specialty of venereology or genito-urinary medicine , the undergraduate teaching on these diseases is fragmented at best and may even be nonexistent .
28 The fogs have the right idea , ’ Finlayson said .
29 In the 1983 election , more electors thought the Conservatives had the better policies than actually voted for the party .
30 MR MAJOR , who will have the right to try to form a government if the Conservatives have the most MPs without having an overall majority , told a rally in Wembley , north-west London , yesterday that the constitution was under threat from Labour and Liberal Democrat policies on devolution , Europe and electoral reform .
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