Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] had the " in BNC.

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1 Victory in her first war with one of the European powers had the paradoxical effect not of reassuring Japan that she was now a major power able to compete effectively with the others as at least an equal but , instead , of convincing her of her continuing vulnerability and the need to strengthen further her military capability .
2 There had been high spots , of course — particularly the grand couloir , with its subterranean lake and its vast stalactites overhanging the uncannily still green water — but the presence of so much technology and the chattering tourists had the effect of reducing a natural wonder to the level of a modern theme park .
3 The professional diplomatists had the duties of representing their own states , of negotiating for them , of observing , and of keeping their governments informed .
4 Instead democracy came to embody the more limited claim that the working class had the right to compete within the established state institutions and within the established society , with the clear expectation that they would not use the state to intervene in society to effect fundamental change .
5 I only wish that the Labour party had the same openness of mind .
6 The church first applied for planning permission to build houses on the site in 1988 , but because the reverend Sawyer had the right to object , nothing came of it .
7 John Lindsay , vice-chairman of CIPFA 's Scottish branch , said that if cost was a factor which was driving local government reorganisation then it was important that ministers and officials of the Scottish Office had the best information available .
8 Though the highbrow press had the highest level of political content , it also had relatively partisan readers , and more of a mission to inform , less of a mission to persuade .
9 Fewer than eighty purveyors of museum supplies and services took booths , and for most of the time the vendors largely from Canada and the northeastern U.S. had the Hilton basement entirely to themselves .
10 I hope that the hon. Gentleman had the opportunity to tell the gentleman that he might well see me in future as I shall be returning to the town in which I was born .
11 In his concluding remarks , the hon. Gentleman had the temerity to talk about the job losses that have been announced today by Gateway .
12 The Lockerbie air disaster is regularly discussed in the House — including Government statements , when appropriate — and I recall that the hon. Member had the Adjournment debate on this very subject just last Monday .
13 The hon. Lady had the advantage of slipping out for an hour , when no doubt she managed to get hold of that news .
14 When I asked whether the hon. Lady had the leave of the House to speak again , there was no objection .
15 It 's ability to carry huge loads over vast distances meant the British forces had the back up they needed in battle .
16 The British Board had the opportunity to take two people for the event but , presumably on Frank 's recommendation , they elected to take only one .
17 The British raiders had the race to themselves from the final turn as Jodami overhauled his chief rival in an exciting duel that was only decided on the line .
18 Mr Shevardnadze told members of the European Parliament that while the German people had the right to self-determination there would have to be ‘ political , legal and material guarantees that German unity would not eventually create a threat to the national security of other states and to peace in Europe ’ .
19 On the other hand , to satisfy Kohl , financial assistance to Eastern Europe was promised and it was affirmed that the German people had the right ‘ to regain its unity through free self-determination . ’
20 Comprised of master craftsmen , the medieval guilds had the exclusive rights of trading in the towns and provided aid and protection for their members .
21 The French women had the most beautiful clean fannies in the world , so Denys used to say .
22 Introduced in May as an interim currency to overcome the cash shortage [ see p. 38926 ] , the Latvian rouble had the same value as the Russian .
23 Of course they laugh at Beryl and her friend , they think Francis was a bit weird , and the old man had the name for being tight fisted , but there 's no stick to beat a dog with in all that . ’
24 But the old soldier had the last laugh .
25 It was now dusk but the old librarian had the sconce torches lit and gave Corbett what he had requested , a candle and a battered copy of the ‘ Sic et Non ’ , the brilliant satire on scholastic theology by the Parisian scholar , Abelard , who had lost his family as well as his testicles for ridiculing the theologians and then compounding his sin by falling in love with a woman .
26 The Dark Elves had the greater number and their allies were fell .
27 Quoting the 1989 Constitution , Aikhomu said that only the future president had the authority to proclaim the holding of the first session of the legislature .
28 The Carabinieri patrolman had the raw look of a recruit freshly dug up from one of the no-hope regions of the deep South and put through the human equivalent of a potato-peeling machine .
29 However , the court decided , following the recent authority of Pappa v Rose ( 1872 ) LR 7 CP 525 , that the average adjuster had the benefit of arbitral immunity .
30 The 30-year-old striker had the Hereford goal at his mercy in the 66th minute but volleyed over from six yards out as the game ended goalless .
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