Example sentences of "the [noun sg] to make [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But with only ten minutes remaining yet another slip-up handed Lawther the opportunity to make it 3-2 and set up an exciting finish which should never have been .
2 A strip of electrician 's tape stuck round both sides of the base to make them waterproof and they 're ideal for bringing on any bulbs destined for the windowsill .
3 It holds more true of some of us than of others , that in the struggle to make it new we are writing the same book all our lives ; and with Dostoevsky this truth is very true .
4 The large Fiat saloon parked in the piazza looked ridiculous with a yellow child 's cot strapped to the roof , but this had seemingly been stipulated by the gang to make it easier for them to identify the car .
5 There is n't a track on it that I feel does n't do what it should do , which is taking a song out of its time and place and whisking it into the present to make it meaningful today . ’
6 There is n't a track on it that I feel does n't do what it should do , which is taking a song out of its time and place and whisking it into the present to make it meaningful today . ’
7 Scientific , technical and clerical workers have signed a petition calling for the university to make it impossible for ‘ nuclear weapons-motivated research ’ involving SLAC to be carried out .
8 ‘ We knew Wednesday had problems at the back when long balls were played at them , so it came as no surprise when we scored on the break to make it 1–1 . ’
9 We could specify in which hand the draw-sheet is to be held , which arm the nurse is to use to support the patient , the degree of tension to be applied to the draw-sheet to make it taut and smooth .
10 Thirdly , the criteria themselves do nothing to reduce the lengths of any custodial sentences that are imposed , in spite of the exhortation to make them commensurate with the seriousness of the offence .
11 They 're done because the old-fashioned way of doing a , putting something together is a paste-up job , you 've got all these stories filed about all sorts of things , and then some editorial chap or chapess sits down with sort of paste and scissors and cuts the things off , and they tend to cut things off the bottom to make it all fit until it feels about right .
12 Instead they relied on forcing dry wedges of wood into existing cracks in the stone and pouring water on the wood to make it swell and eventually crack the stone .
13 David Curry , Parliamentary Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries & Food , concluded that the balance of opinion was against the regulation and significant amendments would have to be made to the proposal to make it acceptable .
14 Market forces are based on contract , and the proposal that I advanced would clarify the law to make it possible for people to enter into contracts , which would have the consequences that I described .
15 One of the first things that the Labour party would do would be to change the law to make it easier for trade unions to strike .
16 This is partially true , but the motivations for saying ‘ quack ’ , the kind of quack a duck makes , the social message that is being conveyed — fear , alarm , pain , surprise , contentment , ‘ Come here ’ , ‘ Go away ’ , ‘ Look what I 've found ’ — this all requires a mind behind the larynx to make it express or utter the intent and feeling within the duck 's mind , to give the quack the correct inflection and intonation .
17 Produced by electrolysis too much energy would be used up in the process to make it economic while the other method suggested by supporters of the ‘ hydrogen economy ’ — thermal dissociation of water from the heat output of a nuclear reactor is neither a tried nor tested technology .
18 Typically there is a long latent period between radiation exposure and detection of a tumour , which is because of the time required for sufficient increase in the size of the tumour to make it detectable , and may also be due in part to a form of induction period before the initially affected cell or cells start to divide and form a tumour , or before the tumour assumes ‘ malignant ’ characteristics of growth and spreading .
19 It is possible to store such an amazing amount of information , but this has to be carefully organised on the disk to make it possible to find files easily .
20 The need to make it clear so that people understand without having to sort of keep coming back and asking again and again , yep , great , thanks .
21 The Typical Chinese Dishes with plenty of good hot coffee on top of them seemed to combine with the heating in the place to make me sleepy .
22 the SSR applies , but the wording would be too obscure for users : a new SSR should be sent , paraphrasing the original to make it clear how it applies to the content of the package .
23 the SSR applies , but the wording would be too obscure for users , A new SSR should be sent , paraphrasing the original to make it clear how it applies to the content of the package .
24 Blood began to course into the gristle to make it erect again , and he was suddenly full of urgent need .
25 All those years ago they had thoughtfully placed it unusually low on the wall to make it easy for the child Maggie had then been to reach .
26 On at least one occasion , demonstrators were pinned against the wall to make it easier to assault them .
27 Amaranth had repeated enough of what Harvey had told her about the motorway to make it worthwhile telephoning his partner in Arden to make local inquiries .
28 In years of glorious combat , Altrincham and Yeovil have seen off League opposition 15 times — and now they both have the chance to make it sweet 16 in this year 's second round .
29 Terry sat looking anxious while Ellie carefully unpicked , altered , moved all the tiny buttons that ran down the back , rearranged the small bustle , put little tucks into the bustline to make it fit more snugly .
30 While Montaine endured a typing school above the dry-cleaners in Reine les Falaises , Jean-Claude worked on the attic to make it habitable .
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