Example sentences of "the [noun sg] in [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Hers is a heartening , moving and ultimately triumphant story — a little victory won against the tide in the long , heart-breaking battle to save our wilderness world .
2 Our clear objective is to convert as many of these contract personnel to permanent staff , bringing stability to the industry in the long term .
3 We stopped the boat and drifted for a while , and the birds relaxed and moved back towards Bound Skerry the rock in a long line — which did the trick !
4 The buses and coaches which had brought the marchers into town were parked opposite the entrance in a long line down the road .
5 The pay-off in the long term is probably bad , although it may seem quite good in the short term .
6 The TV reporter swung his eyes back from the window and trained them on the superintendent in a long , calculating stare .
7 After a site has been filled in again only artefacts , notebooks and the photographic record remain to aid the archaeologist in the long post-excavation period when he or she has to decide what it all meant , and publish details of what was found .
8 Despite these problems , the outlook in the long term is favourable .
9 There may be circumstances in which delay in reaching a final decision may be beneficial to the child in the long term and it is open to the parties to argue this where appropriate .
10 For Peirce , statistical sampling is the fundamental kind of ampliative inference , and for this he derives its ‘ validity ’ from his understanding of reality — its repeated use will take us to the truth in the long run .
11 Peirce could probably allow the same : his position rests upon the belief that there is a logical guarantee that induction will take us to the truth in the long run , but that our confidence in the short-run efficacy of the method is simply an ‘ acritical ’ commonsense certainty which may be susceptible to scientific explanation .
12 Fertility recovered a little from its 1977 low ( figure 4.4 ) but by 1980 this recovery was spent , at a level still below that needed to replace the population in the long run .
13 This is the period in the long history of the evolution of man and his God , which started with the beginning of life on earth , and ended with the dawning of civilisation .
14 But will this harm the relationship in the long term , or is a bit of criticism good for you ?
15 The first Cistercians were men who sought to return to the simplicity of Benedict 's Rule and to its strict observance which they argued had been altered out of all recognition by the Cluniacs who spent much of the day in a long and elaborate round of services in choir .
16 The three Which Mortgage awards are merely the culmination in a long list of achievements in Abbey National 's impressive history .
17 Authority — ‘ that egg of misery and oppression ’ as the doctor has it — is the norm in the long line of historical adventures drawing for material on the extensively recorded history of the navy in the Napoleonic Wars ; but the outstanding writers in the genre look round widely from this stance .
18 But companies that are willing to take the time to lay this solid foundation will gain the edge in the long run .
19 The range of subject matter is , as always , extensive ; the Melbourne Cricket Ground , a history of Durham CC , the evolution of fast bowling , Gooch 's milestone of 7,000 Test runs , the participation in cricket of women in Victorian England and a tongue-in-cheek press report from the year 2045 mentioning the 54 Tests played in the calendar year , striped uniforms for each of the four umpires , and stiletto marks on the floor in the Long Room at Lords 's .
20 We started looking for the hole in the long summer holidays .
21 I recognized the man in the long white coat directly I turned .
22 The man in the long white wig
23 The man in the long dark coat glanced at Donna , then back towards the Menzies shop .
24 Further down the train the man in the long dark coat also climbed aboard .
25 Opposite , the man in the long dark overcoat was smiling .
26 Stage 1 Setting Objectives — This involves detailing the objectives of the organization in the long and short term .
27 The glass in the long windows rattled suddenly as a gust of wind battered them , and all the six candles on the round table guttered in the draught .
28 The dams etc may also have been designed to attract industry and so benefit the country in the long term .
29 Nothing short of changed dietary habits and a good vitamin and mineral balance will resolve the problem in the long term .
30 For many of the committed , for many of the organizers , the issue was n't peace , it was war : victorious war for Vietnam 's National Liberation Front , and class war on the bourgeoisie — a word that had faded from much of the left in the long years of ‘ The British road to socialism ’ .
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