Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [that] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Tupper tells the story that for the evening following that most notorious of all war crimes committed between 1914 and 1918 , the torpedoing and sinking by a German U-boat of the unarmed liner Lusitania , with 702 seamen and over 1,000 passengers , including women and children on board , on 7 May 1915 , a concert had been arranged at Eastcote , with artistes from London and Northampton .
2 These are : 1 the differences between speech and writing ; 2 the nature and internal organisation of written texts ; 3 the processes of writing — and concomitant with this , the appreciation that for the purposes of teaching , the process is of prior importance to the product .
3 There is speculation that the Government is working to the rule that for every 4 per cent depreciation of the pound , there would be a 1 point rise in base rates to maintain the tightness of monetary policy .
4 For these reasons I shall make a declaration to the effect that for the purposes of Part II of the Act of 1987 , an assignee of part of a deposit as defined in section 5 is to be treated as entitled to the assigned part of the deposit and as having made a deposit of an amount equal to that part .
5 Two years ago he was involved in a dreadful crash on the western Ring Road in which his wife , who was sitting beside him in the passenger seat , received such serious injuries to the lower half of the body that for the rest of her life — a life which ended tragically last week — she was confined to a wheel-chair .
6 What would be the chances of arriving at the principle of a constant coefficient of expansion in metals ( the notion that for a given metal there is a fixed relationship between amount of change of temperature and amount of change of length ) if the only data to hand concerning temperature and length were estimates based on unaided touch and sight ?
7 Joey relaxed , happy in the knowledge that for the next few weeks at least , the place would n't run dry of drugs .
8 The owners say that they are so new to the game that for the moment they are selling everything because they do not know what will eventually prove profitable .
9 It also provides the context in which to consider both the claim that for the later Foucault knowledge is absolutely determined , leaving him in the impossible situation of requiring something outside this for any prospect of critique , as well as the question of exactly how power and resistance are interdependent and to what extent they are separable .
10 I pursued the howling dog , hands clawed and teeth bared , stopping only when my rage was replaced by the realisation that for the first time in my life I 'd put another human being before myself .
11 I shall proceed to describe some of them , prefacing the list only with the warning that for the more attractive of them there is , of course , considerable competition .
12 So lost was I in the film that for an awful moment I too was about to spawn one of the dreadful aliens .
13 Re London Wine Co ( Shippers ) ( 1986 Q.B.D. ) also illustrates the principle that for an appropriation there has to be an apparent intention to attach the goods irrevocably to the contract .
14 Clearly corporations exercise substantial discretionary controls over the timing and fullness of their responses to consumer demands , including the possibility that for a decade or more they may ignore them ’ .
15 Dramatic as imprinting is as a form of learning , it suffered from my point of view from the problem that for a bird to become imprinted requires exposing it to the stimulus , the flashing light or whatever , for a couple of hours ; memory builds up slowly over that time , and so the cellular changes that are going on during the period inevitably intermingle the effects of learning and of visual stimulation with those of memory formation .
16 There is also authority for the proposition that for the purposes of s.5(1) a copyright owner does not have a proprietary interest in the item copied : Storrow [ 1983 ] Crim LR 332 .
17 The agent would agree with the promoter that for every pound taken on the door , the artist will receive a certain percentage .
18 Gd-DTPA is also of value in assessing tumour recurrence after surgery , with the rider that for the first few postoperative months the hypervascular scar tissue does not have a blood/brain barrier and hence enhancement at this stage does not necessarily indicate that residual tumour is present .
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20 The power of the Establishment came not from the fact that a few dozen people imposed their will on the rest of us , but from the fact that for a long time we felt it right that the opinions of such people should have respectful attention paid to them .
21 When the Constituent Assembly was dissolved after the 1917 Revolution , and the Bolsheviks ' Land Decree had stolen the main plank of the Socialist Revolutionaries ' platform , Siberian and Black-Earth peasants alike failed to give any further support to their still loyal party , despite the fact that for a period an SR-dominated Directory prevailed in eastern Russia .
22 There is now a considerable literature on the public schools , none of which unfortunately comes to grips with what seems , with respect to the subject of this book , to be perhaps the central issue : the fact that for a hundred years , from the middle of the nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth , the British governing classes were educated in an atmosphere which combined the toleration of a merciless brutality with perpetual exhortations to be good .
23 Another legacy of the French period of broadcasting is the fact that for a long time few such stations broadcast in African languages : radio services in the Ivory Coast are dominated by the French language even today .
24 On the one hand , the antisemitism of ‘ anti-immigrant ’ fascist parties might be seen as an anachronism , arising from the fact that for a number of years such parties were led by a generation who were raised in conditions of widespread antisemitism .
25 The fact that for a lot of the time she was on-guard disturbed him .
26 But the particular psychological shock involved in this one arose from the fact that for the previous two centuries family ties among the landholding classes of England and Scotland and inter-marriage between the royal families had made relations between the two countries very close .
27 More important , however , was the fact that for the time being other parties of the right — the Carlists and especially the CEDA — commanded the support of those to whom fascism might otherwise have hoped to appeal .
28 Jimmy Carter 's presidency , like that of Gerald Ford , began on an optimistic note with commentators deriving satisfaction from the fact that for the first time for eight years president and Congress would be in the hands of the same party .
29 After three years of more or less benevolent autocracy , Valery Gergiev is happy with the facts about his Kirov company : the fact that for the 1989–90 season , very much against the malingering influence of Leningrad 's cultural bureaucrats and an army of silently disapproving critics , he headed straight for uncut Mussorgsky ( original Boris , Shostakovich- orchestrated Khovanshchina , Sorochinsky Fair , The Marriage , Salammbô ) ; and the fact that the following year , with the situation in newly-renamed St Petersburg worsening day by day , he set about four Prokofiev operas within a matter of months .
30 Andy was fourteen , I 'd just turned thirteen and was proud of my new status as a teenager ( and , as usual , of the fact that for the next couple of months I was only a year younger than Andy ) .
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