Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] the " in BNC.

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31 The Scotsman would escape the tax , while the Dundee Courier and Glasgow Evening Times would be liable .
32 In the case of ( a ) it is likely that the retailer would replace the machine , but his obligation would only be to offer a discount on the price in view of the damaged surface .
33 The retailer will use the telephone to place orders ; to get in touch with other branches or head office ; to contact the bank ; or to talk to a customer .
34 Whatever the method , it is vital to keep accurate , up-to-date figures so that the retailer can maintain the ideal stock level .
35 However , a writer does n't need to have a publisher , and in this case the writer would receive the entire sum .
36 Also , if the publisher enters into liquidation , the writer must have the right to terminate the agreement and get back all rights to his or her songs .
37 NOT even a clutch of famous hotels including The Savoy , Claridge 's and The Connaught could help The Savoy Group escape the full effects of war and recession which prompted a 78 p.c. slump in pre-tax profit to £2.3m during 1991 , writes Karen Cooper .
38 Anyone reading of the trial would appreciate the ordeal of the rape victim in court as she ‘ sobbed continuously as she was cross-examined by counsel for the men … . ’
39 One suggestion which has appeared in print was that the clone should bear the name of one of the Directors which Sir Nigel Gresley ordered for the North British Railway .
40 Section 87 requires that the successor shall occupy the council house as his home at the death of the tenant and shall have resided with the tenant during ‘ the period of 12 months ending with the tenant 's death . ’
41 ( 5 ) The turnover rent shall be determined by a qualified accountant ( acting as an expert ) and whose decision shall be final ( except so far as concerns matters of law ) to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales : ( a ) if the tenant fails to supply a certificate in accordance with paragraph 3 above ( in which case the landlord 's costs of the determination and the expert 's fee shall be borne by the tenant ) or ( b ) if there shall be any dispute between the parties as to the calculation of the turnover rent ( in which case the costs of the determination and the expert 's fee shall be borne as the expert directs ) ( 6 ) Until the determination of the turnover rent for any rental year the tenant shall continue to pay rent at the rate payable immediately before the beginning of the rental year in question and upon such determination there shall be due as arrears of rent or as the case may be refunded to the tenant the difference ( if any ) between the rent paid by the tenant for that year and the rent which ought to have been paid by him for that year plus ( if the turnover rent is determined by an expert ) such amount of interest as may be directed by the expert ( 7 ) If the turnover rent for any rental year falls below £ the landlord may by notice in writing served on the tenant not more than one month after the determination of the turnover rent for that year ( time not being of the essence ) require that there be substituted for the basic rent and the turnover rent for that year the amount for which the demised property might reasonably be expected to be let on the open market at the beginning of the year in question for a term equal to the residue of this lease then unexpired and on the same terms as this lease ( save as to rent but on the assumption that the rent may be revised every five years ) there being disregarded the matters set out in section 34 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 ( as amended ) and in default of agreement the said amount shall be determined by an independent surveyor ( acting as an expert not as an arbitrator ) to be appointed by the President for the time being of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors whose decision shall be final and whose fee shall be borne as he directs Example 4:5 Turnover rent for theatre or cinema based on box office receipts1 ( 1 ) In this schedule : ( a ) " box office receipts " means the gross amount of all moneys payable to the tenant or any group company on the sale of tickets for theatrical cinematic or other performances in the demised property or the right to stage productions or hold conferences or other events ( whether public or private ) in the demised property and any moneys payable on the sale of programmes souvenirs or similar items ; ( i ) treating any sale by credit card as having been a sale in consideration of the net amount recoverable by the tenant from the credit card company ( ii ) treating any amount which the tenant is entitled to receive by way of grant gift or sponsorship as part of the box office receipts and ( iii ) deducting any value added tax payable by the tenant to HM Customs and Excise ( b ) " bar receipts " means the gross amount of all moneys payable to the tenant or any group company for the supply of food and drink in the demised property : ( i ) treating any sale by credit card as having been a sale in consideration of the net amount recoverable by the tenant from the credit card company ( ii ) allowing the tenant a reduction of two per cent for wastage ( 2 ) The rent payable by the tenant shall be the aggregate of : ( a ) £ … per annum ( b ) 5 per cent of the first 60 per cent of the box office receipts for any year ( c ) 10 per cent of the remainder of the box office receipts ( d ) 7.5 per cent of the bar receipts payable annually in arrear on 31 December in each year ( 3 ) The tenant shall pay on account of the rent on 1 January 1 April 1 July and 1 October : ( a ) in the first year of the term £ … by four equal instalments ( b ) in the second and every subsequent year of the term payments at the rate of the rent payable for the last preceding year of the term by four equal instalments and as soon as possible after the end of the second and each subsequent year the amounts payable for that year under paragraph 2 above shall be agreed or otherwise determined and all necessary adjustments ( whether by way further payment by the tenant or credit given by the landlord ) shall be made ( 4 ) The tenant shall : ( a ) keep full and accurate books or records of account ( b ) permit the landlord ( or a person nominated by the landlord ) to inspect the books or records of account ( but not more often than once every three months ) and if so required to provide the books or records in a readily legible form ( 5 ) ( a ) at the end of each year of the term either the landlord or the tenant may require an audit of the tenant 's books and records by an independent auditor ( acting as an expert ) to be appointed ( in default of agreement ) by the President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales ( b ) the auditor shall certify the amount of the box office receipts and the bar receipts for the year in question and his certificate shall be binding on the parties ( except in so far as concerns matters of law ) ( c ) the auditor has power to determine how his costs and the costs of any representations to him shall be borne
42 Cadbury recommended that companies should include balance sheet information , that the inclusion of cash flow information should be considered and that the auditor should review the interim report .
43 The auditor should ascertain the audited body 's system of recording and processing transactions and assess its adequacy as a basis for the preparation of financial statements .
44 The auditor must determine the reasonableness of these individual judgments and it may be that specialist ( non-accounting ) assistance will need to be sought .
45 The award will enable the Bentham Project at University College London to edit in four volumes Bentham 's later writings on constitutional government and codification as part of the Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham .
46 ( 7 ) Proceedings relating to matters mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) above , including voting in connection therewith , shall be held in public , but a licensing board may retire to consider its decision in any such matter and the clerk of the board shall accompany the board when it so retires unless the board otherwise directs .
47 Erm my , I have n't had the time to really absorb what is in them and obviously the board would feel the same .
48 ( 3 ) Where after a hearing under this section a licensing board is satisfied as to any one or more of the matters mentioned in subsection ( 1 ) above , the board may order the closure of the licensed premises and any such order shall specify the matters on which the order is based .
49 The Board will consider the draft revised standards based on E 37 and E 39 this month .
50 Erm , I take the view that we ought to try and make the existing arrangements work and we are fast approaching a very key point er in that process erm I understand that on Thursday , er securities and investments board , the board will consider the er P I A , proposed P I A prospectus and that er within a week or so we shall all be able to read it and to look at it erm and the key point , which really is arises out of what we 're discussing tonight , the key point is what regulatory framework should the P I A place on intermediaries and on er life assurance companies , pension funds , financial advisors generally er in order to ensure that the public interest is protected and that if there are potential frauds erm such as the Levitt case er that we talked about earlier and I think the honourable member in sort of by implication in terms of er community service , er punishments that he referred to , er had also that in mind , er just what should we do to ensure that if there is malpractice and fraud , it 's picked up very , very quickly .
51 The interview board can have covert purposes where the senior person who is the chairman of the board will use the opportunity to orientate the precise expectations from the post to be filled including settling differences of opinion between his subordinates who are also members of the board .
52 Where necessary , the board should explain the implications of the offer .
53 The board should minute the projections thereby approving them before the Information memorandum is distributed .
54 If Mr Dunn the debtor refused to be cowed by this threat , Mr Rich the creditor would tell the bailiffs to take the belongings out of the house — and for that service he paid the bailiffs a fixed fee .
55 In that case , there being no consideration for the discharge of the balance of the debt , it was held that the creditor could retain the money , and sue for the balance .
56 The upslope will increase the loft of the club , sending the ball steeply into the air .
57 Deans and the directorate remained almost outside the review process until in March 1987 , a decision of Academic Board determined that Heads of Department , Deans and members of the directorate should have the ‘ opportunity for an annual staff development discussion ’ .
58 He tap-loaded the next cartridge , not bothering to use the cumbersome ramrod , but just slamming the rifle 's butt hard on the ground in hope that the blow would jar the ball down to the loose charge .
59 A companion horse who is used to being floated , if floated with the beginner can make the difference between success and disaster .
60 This is very much a two-edged sword , since the only way that the beginner can prevent the model tipping over is to close the throttle , yet any sudden closing of the throttle is to be avoided , for the reasons already given .
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