Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [vb pp] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 It then indicates the opportunity provided for a more participatory approach to school development planning .
2 The majority opted for the visit and in my opinion made a good choice .
3 The remainder made for the Trig al Ab , a desert track running inland about thirty miles south of the coast .
4 Theoretically his presidency must end in 1852 , but it was already evident that the Prince hoped for a second term of office , to which end he began to organize a campaign to drum up sufficient popular support for this to become possible .
5 LEAs were given carefully defined responsibilities , to identify the needs of children with a learning difficulty which , in the view of an LEA , calls for it to determine the provision required for the child .
6 Now can I er also suggest to you that in discussing this one outstanding item of the housing land allocations , we pursue virtually the same sort of approach that we did yesterday , er and in fact if you look at what is set down under matter One D for discussion , it says is the provision proposed for the Greater York area including the new settlement appropriate etcetera , and in fact when you look at the first item for discussion under the Greater York new settlement issue , we come straight into , does Greater York new settlement represent an appropriate and justified policy response , etcetera .
7 He was pleased with the support received for the practice of joint confirmation and particularly , welcomed the first ever united service for Christian Unity week .
8 The Mistral SST is the board used for the Youth and Ladies World Championships , for which identical boards are supplied for competitors at the race site .
9 In each of these appeals it has been rightly accepted by counsel for the contemnor that the hearing below of the committal application was impeccable , that the sentence imposed for the contempts of court found proved can not be criticised and the committal order properly specified each of the contempts for which the contemnor had been sentenced .
10 Here the verb used for the bequest is legare , which may be sufficient explanation , although it is not Paul 's normal usage .
11 The morning train from Sidney picked up milk from various farms for shipment to Victoria and on at least one occasion it was held up for two hours while cows , that had been turned into the bush the previous night to pick up what nourishment they could were searched for , rounded up , milked and the milk loaded for the trip to town .
12 A second all-night session was not expected as the line-by-line examination of the measure resumed for the 18th day of its committee stage .
13 Blazer offered his workforce a piece of waste ground behind the mattress shed for a pitch and it soon became affectionately known as the ‘ Football Ground ’ .
14 Edward 's first responsibility was for the receipt and expenditure of the money assigned for the operations , a responsibility discharged through a special exchequer set up in 1246 , over which he presided .
15 Last year the soaring public debt reached almost 120% of GDP , even without counting the money owed for the weapons Greece 's soldiers buy from abroad .
16 He added : ‘ It seems a bit of a nonsense to struggle to provide a good service and then for compensation awarded by the Ombudsman to come out of the money provided for the work in the first place . ’
17 An order requiring the third , fourth and fifth defendants , who were not parties to any Euramco transaction and who did not receive anything under any Euramco transaction , to repay the investors the money paid for the Euramco shares , is , he submits , a compensatory order , not a restitutionary one .
18 The money paid for the headstone and Mr and Mrs McDermott 's appreciation is obvious in the inscription at the bottom which reads : ‘ Donated by the people of Northern Ireland ’ .
19 For not the least of Henry 's problems was how to raise the money required for the accomplishment of such an undertaking .
20 I could not , in all conscience , advise anybody to embark on a commercial diving career at present , especially if that person has to borrow the money needed for the training .
21 The concern for the future of the Deutschmark within the EEC erupted belatedly in the Bundestag in early October 1992 ; at the insistence of an all-party committee , the Parliament pressed for a second opportunity to ratify stage 3 of the Maastricht Treaty before the Deutschmark became irrevocably part of the Single Currency .
22 The case used for the person or thing on which the action takes effect , eg I bought the car .
23 Editors invented elaborate textual corruptions to explain this , claiming for instance that Shakespeare had written two different versions of Brutus 's reactions and that the text used for the 1623 Folio ( where the play first appeared ) had mistakenly copied them both .
24 Thus either the comparative inefficiency of one hemisphere in dealing with the information presented and/or a reduction in stimulus fidelity consequent upon hemispheric transfer are held to account for the advantage obtained for a particular half of the visual field .
25 The location of this junction depends upon the alignment adopted for the Millerhill Section of the Outer City Bypass .
26 The clerk stopped for a moment and whispered to Mr Albert , who , realizing that instead of selling a pair of jeans he really had a customer with money to spend , hurried towards Hank .
27 Steady pressure , however , persuaded the National Heritage Memorial Fund to provide the endowment needed for the National Trust to take it on .
28 All the keywords can be left in the configuration file , as the parameter given for the keyword HCMAP dictates whether a volume set will be prepared for hard copy or omitted from the hard copy run .
29 On startup , facilities can automatically be made either available or unavailable to all users , according to the parameter supplied for the keyword FACILITY_AVAIL in the configuration file ( see Section 3.3 ) .
30 The decision allowed for the funds to be released in full if the FMLN ( i ) refused to participate or show " good faith " in peace negotiations ; ( ii ) jeopardized the constitutional government by a military offensive ; ( iii ) assassinated or abducted civilians ; or ( iv ) continued to receive substantial military assistance from abroad .
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