Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 Does the Attorney-General agree that the defence of using the treaty of Rome in relation to breaches of the Shops Act 1950 is pretty flimsy and slender ?
2 Following some near misses , Alresford scored when Dave Powell broke from a scrum and fed Richard Gander who drew the defence before returning the ball for Powell to touch down .
3 The subjects showed latent inhibition , developing the CR ( the response of approaching the site or food delivery when the light came on ) less readily than a control group that had not received pre-exposure ( Fig. 3.1 , lower panel ) .
4 Gardeners Roadshow Owing to the inability of obtaining the services of a speaker the meeting had to be cancelled .
5 Gardeners Roadshow Owing to the inability of obtaining the services of a speaker the meeting had to be cancelled .
6 This road winds through the Park before rejoining the A361 .
7 The centre-piece of his plan was the Banqueting House , which would be opened up to the park by demolishing the Horse Guards .
8 Utilising electronic organisation and desktop publishing will allow students to gain familiarity with current systems that can directly affect overall cost effectiveness of a solution ; as well as providing the opportunity for evaluating the effectiveness of new technology , its commercial viability and its impact on the visual communication of information .
9 Similarly there is said to be ‘ the opportunity for increasing the manageability of the whole system ’ by enabling local network management to extend into the wide area network .
10 Most brands , especially in fields other than the packaged goods for which the theory was developed , are potentially far more complex than the USP theory suggests , and a USP approach limits the opportunity for giving the brand a genuine personality .
11 He said he was afraid the delay over the book had lost him the opportunity of reaching the city in time to take part in any meaningful work , and promised to join the next summer 's dig in June . ’
12 An organisation capable of attracting international attention , to which people would come as much for the opportunity of discussion with other visitors , as for the opportunity of seeing the Highland problem at first hand .
13 Miller stressed the point that former writers had not had the opportunity of seeing the flower or fruit of new exotics cultivated in English gardens , but by this time many had and details of others had been ‘ communicated by persons of skill from abroad ’ and ‘ so the ranging of plants under their proper heads is now better understood and the science of botany rendered more complete ’ .
14 At that time we also ran a children 's hospital , so that I had the opportunity of seeing the effects of treatment on acute surgical cases , both pre- and post-operatively , as well as dealing with some fairly ill children and a good mix of diagnostic and management problems in the adult unit .
15 MORE than 1,000 pupils from Cleveland 's primary schools will have the opportunity of hearing the London Symphony Orchestra .
16 This will give you the opportunity of smelling the oils first , and buying only those you like .
17 In this case , cerebral development has denied it the automatic response while defective social development has denied it the opportunity of learning the skill it lacks .
18 I am pleased to have the opportunity of reprinting the material from the original booklet here .
19 Since the advent of a car-ferry system connecting Denmark , Norway , Shetland , Faroe and Iceland , it has become easier for me to take a vehicle over and , because the ferry terminus in Iceland is in one of the eastern fiords called Seyðisfjördur — see data capture sheet , this has given me the opportunity of exploring the north and east coast of Iceland in greater detail .
20 By careful selection of topics from the content of the module , the student can be provided with the opportunity of exploring the usefulness and limitations of selected strategies to different types of problem before going on to tackle the formal investigation .
21 REJECTED the opportunity of healing the rift with the '64 Company .
22 Thus , for example , the way in which it is proposed to structure the rules regulating take-over bids simply reflects a judgment about how far acquiring companies should , through the mechanism of the take-over bid , be given the opportunity of dislodging the managers of the target company — a judgment which can not be justified simply by appealing to the ideal of a free market .
23 At the same time the Labour Party took the opportunity of outlining the procedure it wished to be adopted in the selection of a Labour Prime Minister under comparable conditions .
24 That fixture gives United the opportunity of regaining the League leadership from Leeds , who have only four matches to play .
25 As a matter of policy , the tutors seldom intervene , so pass up the opportunity of helping the students learn ; also ( critics say ) much time is wasted in interminable discussion over semantic niceties .
26 Whenever possible , students should have the opportunity of accompanying the occupational therapist or physiotherapist on a home visit .
27 Even in these days of permissiveness , it may be that the one party has not had , or has been denied , the opportunity of discovering the anatomical characteristics of the other .
28 Non-Greeks exploited to an unprecedented extent the opportunity of telling the Greeks in the Greek language something about their own history and religious traditions .
29 I erm am raising this issue today , in order to give the Government the opportunity of telling the House what action they are proposing to take in respect of a serious error which has been made in the Rail Privatisation Legislation .
30 She enjoyed the opportunity of impressing the president of the Lady Queen Bees .
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